Saturday 21 January 2012

31 Days of Blogging - Day 21

Day 21 – Shakespears Sister – Hello (Turn Your Radio On)

June 5th 1993 was the day I became a dad for the first time.

I had always wanted children. I LOVE children; mainly because I am, and always have been, a child myself.

My mind has always been able to descend to the right level of immaturity to match the wavelength of a young person.

It is easy for me.

I have a deep sense of fun and can watch and play with kids for hours.

The next step in W’s plan was children and, because the thought of being a dad excited me, I was a willing participant. I have posted before about the actual birth of Stephen so I won’t bore you with all that again.

However, the aftermath of that experience was something that brought W and I closer together. We both had no idea what we were doing and we were terrified. A new human being lived with us and was totally and utterly dependent upon us.

And we were clueless.

We found ourselves struggling to stay awake, and coping with a screaming, puking, shitting, pissing lump of flesh that kept us awake. We were so tired that we stumbled around like two zombies, doing chores on autopilot and in a constant daze and state of stupor.

But I loved it.

Work was particularly tough and I found myself working long hours and then coming home to have a wailing ball of humanity dumped into my arms, as W had a well–deserved respite from the trauma of the day.

But we had it easy. Compared with other friends who had children at the same time, Stephen was a completely laid back child. He was sleeping through the night from a very early age but on those nights when he decided to scream, I found myself walking around our house, gently rocking him at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Somebody told me that taking a baby out for a drive always worked – it didn’t. Sometimes it did but most times it failed.

In desperation I opted for some soothing music and found a song that worked; Hello (Turn Your Radio On).

W had bought the album some time earlier but Stephen responded to me as I sang along to the words of the song. Sometimes I just sat in the chair gently rocking him and singing the chorus over and over again; others I put on the CD at a low volume and gently rocked him in the chair.

There were a number of times when I fell asleep and W would get up in the morning to find us both snoring away in the chair.

It got easier, dear reader.

In fact, as far as kids are concerned, I believe that it simply gets better. As your child grows, life becomes infinitely more interesting and lovely.

I love all kids and it is a shame in some ways that they are both grown up now. There is something missing and while that’s a good thing it is also sad.

The best part of my life was seeing the birth of Stephen and then three years later, Michael – and then watching them grow up and become the two young men they are now.

I have W to thank for that.

And I truly and sincerely mean that.


Elephant's Child said...

You are such a generous and caring man, and the last two sentences in this post exemplify that.

Kath Lockett said...

Damn you PlasMan - I'm catching up on your last two posts and BOTH have made me cry!

I've never heard this song before, but I like it.'s a fair bit more laid back (despite the depressing lyrics) than the song that our baby Sapphire used to like to listed to - Blue (da ba dee) by Eiffel 5!

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi EC,

I wouldn't necessarily say that - I have my moments. I do try not to bear grudges and try to be positive - and more often than not good things come.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Kath,

Sorry about that (again)! :-(

Oh no! Blue (da ba dee)!!! Oh my God!! Michael LOVED that song and it was played relentlessly - so much so that I ended up humming it all the time.

And I HATE it!!!




Cat J B said...

Lovely post. It's fun to see the kids grow up....but yes, then they're grown up and not kids any more. Yesterday I listened to a 15 yr old boy I have known since he was 4, rant at his parents in the way teenagers do. Oh where is that sweet little boy, in this taaalllll gangly man-like 15 yr old rebel?

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Cat,

Ha ha - yes, I've seen that in my own boys (now 18 and 15).

"WHAT'S THE POINT????" was a saying my eldest used to scream.

We were all just as bad though (I know I was).

