I read a bizarre blog post the other week, describing Hugh Laurie as a sex symbol. The blog author was an American woman and was a huge fan of his highly successful series over there about a maverick medical misanthrope called Dr Gregory House.
I watched an episode out of curiosity and was amazed at how he has managed to transform himself into this strange character.
In the UK, we know Hugh Laurie as a comedy actor who usually plays gawky idiots. He is also a talented writer and musician who has starred in a sketch show with his comedy partner, our very own Stephen Fry.
From what I’ve read from American blogs, I have a feeling that Hugh Laurie’s early work is unknown across the pond. I’ve therefore decided to enlighten any Americans who stumble across this post with some of the best Hugh Laurie moments from his earlier career in the UK.
Let’s start with a scene from Friends (yeah - I know its American but it does show Hugh Laurie doing what he does best):
And now in Blackadder II as evil Prince Ludwig:
And now my favourite Hugh Laurie character; stupid Prince George in Blackadder The Third (with Stephen Fry and Rowan Atkinson):
And as George in Blackadder Goes Forth:
Here’s a sketch with Stephen Fry:
And finally an early musical composition to show off his musical talents:
I hope that gives you a deeper appreciation of Hugh Laurie. I cannot think of him as Dr Gregory House at all – to me he will always be Prince George, the bumbling stupid idiot from Blackadder The Third.
I watched an episode out of curiosity and was amazed at how he has managed to transform himself into this strange character.
In the UK, we know Hugh Laurie as a comedy actor who usually plays gawky idiots. He is also a talented writer and musician who has starred in a sketch show with his comedy partner, our very own Stephen Fry.
From what I’ve read from American blogs, I have a feeling that Hugh Laurie’s early work is unknown across the pond. I’ve therefore decided to enlighten any Americans who stumble across this post with some of the best Hugh Laurie moments from his earlier career in the UK.
Let’s start with a scene from Friends (yeah - I know its American but it does show Hugh Laurie doing what he does best):
And now in Blackadder II as evil Prince Ludwig:
And now my favourite Hugh Laurie character; stupid Prince George in Blackadder The Third (with Stephen Fry and Rowan Atkinson):
And as George in Blackadder Goes Forth:
Here’s a sketch with Stephen Fry:
And finally an early musical composition to show off his musical talents:
I hope that gives you a deeper appreciation of Hugh Laurie. I cannot think of him as Dr Gregory House at all – to me he will always be Prince George, the bumbling stupid idiot from Blackadder The Third.
Yeah, not many know his past here, including myself. Now if you can just esplain this sudden fame of Russell Brand I might understand you guys better,lol.
Hi Mr ND,
Russell Brand has actually been involved in a little bit of a controversy over here recently. In my opinion it is a storm in a teacup and totally ridiculous.
Just follow this link ...
The funniest thing about this is that the majority of people who complained didn't even hear the offending show - they complained after they heard what happened.
Don't get me started on the state of idiocy in the UK ...
Trust me a know some of the idiocy,lol. My sister married a guy from over there and now lives in Stevanedge Hertfordshire (long enoug name) UK. To a hoodie no less.
BTW, love the way you guys talk, storm in a teacup, I will be sure to use that!
A hoodie in Hertfordshire, eh?
I've heard it's a nice place but a little too close to London for my liking.
Hmm, I thought Blackadder was popular in America.
Stevenage a nice place - do me a favour! F1's Lewis Hamilton - The Cheat comes from there!
Hi Hindleyite,
I don't know whether Blackadder is popular in the States - I was led to believe it isn't. Oh well.
Never mind.
Hi Martin
I meant Hertfordshire not Stevenage in particular. I've never been there so I couldn't say.
These were hilarious, PM!
I stopped watching Friends right about the time of your video, but I think I remember him. Thanks for these videos. It's interesting seeing a side of him I hadn't known about. Comedy is truly his forte, although I love the oddity of his House character.
Hi Holly,
I actually started watching Friends around that time - how weird is that?
If you found those funny you would love Blackadder - a legendary comedy series.
I'm pleased Hugh Laurie is doing well over there but I hope he comes back to do a little comedy over here some time.
Blackadder was shown a quite a bit in the States in the late 80s but you had to seek it out so it didn't make a huge splash. They did air the Blackadder Christmas special last December so it was nice to see House in his foppish glory (and his futuristic glory.)
I am an American and I'm laughing myself silly at the title of your post. I adore Blackadder.
Hi Pussreboots,
I'm delighted that you love Blackadder. It is one of the best sitcoms we have had over here and one of my favourites.
Hi "My Daily List",
I honestly didn't think that Blackadder would be shown over the in US because it is very British and I thought Americans wouldn't really get it. I'm glad I have been proved wrong.
But don't forget - he IS stupid Prince George and NOT House.
Hi PM,
Had to come back and leave you this link I came across (you may have already seen it)...
I do hope these guys did their homework and asked him about his comedic side. HL looked as bored as probably was the audience.
Hi Holly,
No I hadn't seen it. It's really funny :-)
And, yes, he does look bored. One of the guys interviewing him was Scottish - he should know better.
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