Tuesday 12 June 2012


Once more I have been tagged to complete a meme, this time by Kath at Blurb From The Burbs.

I have to answer 11 questions and then tag a further 11 people with 11 questions from my weird imagination

Well, being an anarchist, I will answer the questions but I don’t plan to tag anybody else (sorry Kath – I hope you don’t mind! I’m too lazy for stuff like that).

As usual, Kath’s questions are entertaining, and I hope I do them justice.

1. When and why did you start blogging?

I started blogging on Friday 21st March 2008 after agonising for a year or two about whether to bother. I have always liked popping my thoughts down and I had been doing so, on and off, for about ten years previously. It was only when a colleague of mine started a blog when he moved to South Korea on an extended business trip that I thought: well if he can do – so can I. I chatted about it with Mrs PM who urged me to go for it. And the result is this blog which has been trundling along in the blogosphere for just over four years now.

And the truth is, I wish I had started it sooner.

2. What is your middle name and why did your parents select it?

My middle name is George and it was a compromise. My great grandad, my grandad and my dad were all called George William and my dad wanted to prolong the agony by inflicting those dreadful names on me. I apologise to anybody who may be called George or William or have a loved one with thise names, but I hate them both. Thankfully so did my mum who, in no uncertain terms, told my dad “NO!!!”. Both liked David but my dad had to have the last word – so my mum agreed.

They should have asked me; I would never have chosen George. Thor would have been better.

3. Toilet paper folder or scruncher? Provide your reasons

Today, at work, in preparation for this, I asked the guys who share my desk whether they were folders or scrunchers and it has now gone down in folklore as arguably the worst question I have dared to ask fellow men.

Actually – that’s a lie; I wouldn’t dare ask a question like that to my work colleagues. Nevertheless, because I have been asked I shall answer – I think I am a scruncher but when in a public cubicle with somebody in the next cubicle I become a folder; folding is more subtle and makes less noise – and we all know that every human being on the planet hates other people to hear their noises on the toilet. And those that claim not to mind are liars.

4. What do you do at home when everyone else is out?

Usually I try to write a blog post or think about what I can write in a blog post. It also depends whether there is football on TV – if there is, I know that I can sit down and watch it without having to explain, once again, to Mrs PM why football is important. With Euro 2012 on at the moment, you can imagine that the tenth time of explaining why I want to watch Holland play Germany can get a little tedious.

5. You've been given five hundred bucks (two hundred and fifty quid, say) to spend on nothing useful and just yourself. What do you do with the cash?

It would either be £250 worth of CDs and books or a totally useless gadget – like an iPad or other similar tablet.

6. It's finally come true. One of your 'five celebrities you're allowed to sleep with' has walked into your kitchen and is up for it. Who is it?

Well this is a difficult question and with all of the gorgeous women out there the choice is extremely tricky. My current favourite is the Dutch rock singer, Sharon den Adel, so I will choose her.

She can serenade me with “Lost”, a beautiful song from the brilliant album, “The Unforgiving”.

7. Name one famous person (so that all our readers know who it is) that you think 'has their shit together'. Explain why.

I would suggest that Dave Grohl has his shit together. Dubbed the nicest man in rock, at the moment he can do no wrong. I love the Foo Fighters and long may continue “holding his shit together.”

8. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

I am a bit of an optimist, if I discount work. But even then, I assume I’m going to get through the day and feel great at the end of it. At the moment it feels good to be alive, so what possible reason could there be for staying in bed?

Actually, thinking a little deeper about the question, Mrs PM or my alarm clock are the real culprits for getting me out of my pit.

9. Who would you like to smack in the face, publicly disprove all of their stupid opinions and freeze their bank accounts?

Easy – Simon Cowell. This man has done more to destroy music than any person I can think of. He is responsible for some of the worst TV, songs and “pop stars” in recent memory and he and his antics are killing music. He has a stupid haircut and wears stupid trousers and deserves to be locked in a cell for three months listening to Death Metal played at deafening volume.

10. Low slung jeans on boys - how do we eradicate this disease?

(a) Fill a water pistol with brown paint and spray their underpants in a strategic place.

(b) Scream “PULL YER PHARKIN’ TROUSERS UP!!” at high volume in front of all their mates.

(c) Pull their trousers down.

(d) Create a photo blog called “Fashion Dickheads” and fill it full of photos of these numpties.

11. Tell us about an invention for the home that we desperately need.

We need a machine for processing all cycles of changing dirty clothes into clean clothes. On Saturday morning, pop your dirty clothes in the machine and then sit back and wait until they are popped out the other end, clean, dried and ironed. The deluxe model will somehow pop them into the wardrobes and drawers too.


River said...

I like your "D" answer to the low slung jeans question. I think I'll recharge my camera battery and take it with me today.
I love the alarm clock cartoon.
I'd be spending $500 on dvds, and e-books for my kindle. At 99 cents per book I'd get quite a few.

Elisabeth said...

It's wonderful to learn so much about you and your tastes, your loves and hates, Mancurian. Kath's a clever person to ask.

Elisabeth said...

Sorry spelling mistake, I meant, Mancunian.

MedicatedMoo said...

Terrific answers

I love your low slung pants suggestion a) 'Fill a water pistol with brown paint and spray their underpants in a strategic place.'

....and you should 'sell' this idea to a comedy troupe and get them to make a short film of a mad old bag like me doing it!

Elephant's Child said...

Your answer to question eleven is truly brilliant. And yes into the wardrobes and drawers with them as well. Not to mention the linen cupboard too - and I like my pillow cases ironed.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi River,

Actually, having just bought a Kindle myself, I would also grab a bucket load of eBooks. too.

I look forward to seeing your photos.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Elisabeth,

I've just noticed a couple of spelling mosquitoes in my blog post so I wouldn't worry about your spilling mistaks. I maik them all the toime.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Bonjour Kath,

Great idea. Can I join you? We could form a new fashion-crime fighting duo.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi EC,

Pillow cases will of course be included as well as bed-linen and anything else that causes pain to wash and iron.




Pandora Behr said...

Great answers, PM, especially we.uestion :)

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

I shall pop over and compare answers, Pand ...




drb said...

Brilliant pictures, especially the 'George' one.

Chinese has the reverse custom - it is considered disrepectful to name our children after our ancestor as everyone is supposed to be unique. Then again, we don't have specific words for names. Chinese names are derived from the whole chinese vocabulary.

My chinese surname means "Literature, Literacy" and Rob's surname is Read. Quite a coincident.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi drb,

With your Chinese name and Rob's surname, your fate was written in the stars - or perhaps in a book somewhere ...




drb said...

Oh yes Mr PM, I totally believe our fates are written in the stars.

Twelve years ago, it was my daily horoscope that instructed me to'make an effort to speak to a stranger today and you will never regret it.'

So, when I stumbled across match.com (ad on yahoo mail page, free registration for 1 week) the next sec, I dropped a line to Rob's profile.

Then, I met him 1 day before my b-day and realised he was my husband in previous life (I did hypnosis regression in San Fran).

We got married exactly 2 years to the day.

Surely a chick flick material.
Maybe Kath can ghost write it... ;-)

If it is not fated, what it is.

BTW, I didn't realise our surnames connection till a couple years ago, when my cousin pointed that out. My surname was spelled Boon phonetically in English.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi drb,

Sounds like a great idea for a movie.

I'm sure Kath would do a grand job.




Jackie K said...

No 2: I love the name George! Also, my nephew is called William and he is gorgeous, so there.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Jackie,

My sister is called Jackie, you know :0)

