Sometimes I can be a bloody idiot and when that happens I get really frustrated. For example, when I break something, lose my keys or forget something important. I am a little bit of a perfectionist and when such things happen I chastise myself for my carelessness and stupidity.
And then I tell everybody about it either on this blog or in real life.
Why do I do this? Because I like self-deprecation and I find humour in it, including when the perpetrator of such misdemeanours is myself. I used to entertain people in my office with such antics, either accidentally or sometimes on purpose.
Picture the scene.
I am working in a peaceful open plan office, which incidentally includes my boss. Everyone is working away in pure silence, the levels of concentration are so tangible that you could shake their hands.
For my part, I am staring at a piece of software that refuses to cooperate. Every time I run the code, it misbehaves and throws up an error. I have drunk countless cups of tea and as the hours have passed I have been metaphorically (and maybe actually) pulling out bits of hair. I have stared at the code, looked at the software environment and even thought about blaming others (something I try not to do).
What on earth is wrong? Why can’t I see it?
And then suddenly, out of the blue, I see something. I see a typing error where I have accidentally written a zero instead of an “O”. This is an easy mistake to make even for the most brilliant programmer.
Now you would have thought that I would be happy with that – and the truth is that I am. However, I have temporarilyy lost my sanity, my sense of perception and forgotten where I am and possibly even who I am.
“YOU BLOODY IDIOT! YOU ABSOLUTE MORONIC CRETIN!” I bellow at a high volume, thrusting my face into my hands.
These words shatter the silence and when I hear my own words my sanity returns hand in hand with my perception and I know exactly where and who I am. My dignity flies off in a different direction to hide for the rest of the week.
I slowly lower my hands and look at the office. Every pair of eyes is staring at me. Some are chuckling; some have a look of concern and others are aghast with incredulity – including my boss.
“I’m so sorry,” I say with genuine contrition.
Most people roll their eyes and shake their heads before going back to work. The chucklers immediately start ribbing me.
“We’ve been telling you that for years, Dave”.
“It’s taken you this long to find out?”
“So you’ve found one of the many bugs in your code then have you, Dave?”
I can take it. I know they are joking and I also know that I am blushing slightly which, for a person as pale as I am is a significant event. I look like a bright red Belisha beacon with glasses.

Really it makes me think that perhaps I was too hard on myself. Of course I know that I am not really an idiot, a moron or a cretin. I know that I have done my job for forty years and generally (apart from a few cock-ups) I have done okay.
In fact on quite a few occasions I have been brilliant.
The truth is that so have most of my work colleagues. I have been in awe of the some of the people I have worked with over the years and each and every one of them (with a few notable exceptions) has done exactly the same as I have and questioned their own intelligence in the most derogatory displays of self-deprecation I have ever witnessed.
There is something about certain people that prohibits them from singing their own praises. I am very guilty of this. I genuinely don’t say “I am brilliant” and I don’t think I have ever uttered those words. I used to work with loads of people who were the same as me.
Of course I have worked with people who consider themselves to be the best of the best, even when they aren’t and such people are the complete opposite of me.
I would never do that.
When somebody blows their own trumpet constantly and never admits that they are wrong I am always suspicious of whether they are just arrogant or just narcissistic. Some of them are both.
In recent years I have always given praise where praise is due. I’ve said things like:
“You are an absolute star!”
“Thanks so much for helping me; I wouldn’t have worked that out in a million years!”
Sometimes just a simple “Oh thanks man! That’s really helpful!” is all that is required.
I’m a fairly modest guy but when people say such things to me, I get a little warm feeling in my core that brings a faint smile to my face.
I don’t think that people show their appreciation of others often enough. There are certain industries that are exceptions, such as actors who love to say things like “Oh you were wonderful daaaaaarrrrrrrllllllingggg!” but in my former industry it was a rare occurrence.
Managers are the worst offenders and really they should be the ones who do this the most to make their subordinates feel good about themselves. There are exceptions of course (and if you are reading this and know me – you know exactly who you are) but I have always found such people to be a rarity.
And while it is good to tell other people that they are brilliant, it is also good to realise that you yourself are brilliant. This is a major flaw of mine because I rarely admit that sometimes I am quite good at what I do. I am more likely to say the opposite even though others have endorsed my skills and appreciated them.
I must try harder to tell myself that I can be brilliant. I will continue to tell others that they are brilliant too (unless I am taking the mickey of course).
The caveat of course is that I will also continue the self-deprecation because I find it amusing myself.
I’ll leave you with somebody who finds everything brilliant.
So interesting to read about your work and the things you call yourself when you find such a mistake. If I discover a stupid mistake I made I sit here muttering "stupid" over and over until I realise that I did discover the mistake and was able to fix it. Then I feel better.
Hi River,
It's not just work. Everybody makes mistakes - but some people react differently. I have also sat there muttering "stupid" repeatedly - and in the office too.
You are brilliant. Thank you for your brilliant answer to my puzzlement of men on my blog.
Hi CD,
Most people are brilliant. - including you. Some people just don't like admitting it (including me).
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