Friday 31 May 2024

Still Swapping

Welcome to a pleasant South Manchester. The sun is shining and the sky is blue but peppered with white clouds. The forecast is good for the next week or so too. Maybe summer is arriving finally.

It’s election time in the UK and on July 4th we get to hopefully vote out the Conservative Party that has slowly decayed this country for the past fourteen years. Knowing my luck, they will somehow manage to wangle their way into the hearts of the nation again. I sincerely hope not. On 5th July we may welcome a brand new Prime Minister with a new party in power.

Talking of elections, this morning’s news mentioned that Donald Trump has been found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with a porn star. It doesn’t amaze me that he is claiming that this is an elaborate political plot to undermine his presidential campaign – that’s what he does because he lives in Cloud Cuckoo land. What does amaze me is that he can still stand for president with a criminal record – and that there are people who will still vote for him. 

What a choice Americans have – two octogenarians, one of whom is as mad as a bag of badgers and one who looks like he will keel over at any moment. 

This year will be interesting.

Shall we answer some silly questions from Sunday Stealing

1. If you like art, who is your favourite artist and why?

I generally don’t like art. I think most contemporary art is just rubbish and I avoid such museums because I can’t bring myself to see huge slabs of vomit hanging from the wall and being talked about by pseudo-intellectuals who claim to “get it” and then start to talk gibberish about what the “artist” had in mind when he was painting it. I suspect that the “artist” in many cases was either very intoxicated or under the influence of a very strong hallucinogenic drug. 

The art I do like is the older normal stuff, like landscape paintings from Turner or Constable. Things like this from Turner:

Or this from Constable:

I have to shout out to Bob Ross, who I have watched painting mini masterpieces on The Joy of Painting. I first watched this programme a couple of years ago and I was absolutely fascinated with what he was doing. His voice was so relaxing as he talked us through how he was achieving the effects he was creating. I was mesmerised and I still watch the odd programme when I spot in the TV listings. 

I am going to go for it. Bob Ross is my favourite artist, because I have watched in awe as he has painted some wonderful landscapes purely from his own imagination. And he was brilliant at describing how he does it. 

2. If you were able to learn any three skills or talents instantly and with success, what would they be? 

I would want to be able to play the piano like Jordan Rudess. 

I would want to be able to play guitar like Joe Satriani:

I would also want to be able to be a brilliant writer of novels. 

I can dream, can’t I?

3. If you were to live in Ancient Times, where - in what country - would you want to live in?

I would choose ancient Rome. At school I learned Latin for five years – I used to be able to speak it and read it – it didn’t help me much because nobody speaks Latin apart from a few weird scholars. Latin certainly helped learning other languages, specifically German where the grammar elements are similar. 

However, one unintended benefit was to learn about Roman culture and I was fascinated by it. The course we did was based around a Roman family living in Pompeii in the weeks leading up to the eruption of Vesuvius. We were told about Roman customs, lifestyle and basically how advanced they were. They certainly stamped their authority on England and even today you can see what they left behind in various places like Chester, York and quite a few places besides those. 

Here is Monty Python’s view on what the Romans gave us all:

Apparently you can learn Latin on Duolingo. I might try to refresh my knowledge when I retire. 

4. What is something you’re embarrassed to admit to liking? Whether it be a guilty pleasure show, or unusual hobby, etc.

I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you like it you like it. Why feel guilty about it?

We have a daytime TV show in the UK called “Homes Under the Hammer” where people buy houses at an auction, houses that are typically in a bad state, and then transform them and either sell them, rent them or move in. It has many things I hate about daytime TV but there is something about it that I like and when I catch it on TV, I usually get sucked in and end up watching it. 

And people laugh when I tell them. Why? It’s a great show. I guess that is a “guilty pleasure” – as is this song, which is not something you would associate with a prog-loving metalhead. I don’t care – I love it.

5. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

Probably doing the night shift from 10pm until 6pm at an edible oil manufacturing plant on Liverpool docks in the middle of winter. The things you get to do as an IT engineer are amazing but can be quite taxing.

6. What is something that you wanted to do as a child that you would still like to do now?

I always wanted to be in a rock band and part of me still does. The problem is I can’t play any instruments well enough and my singing voice has been likened to a cat being strangled. 

7. What do you hate being judged for more than anything else?

When I am tired or I need some alone-time, there have been times when people have had a go at me for not wanting to go out and do something exciting. I do love going out and socialising or doing other thigs with mates but there are times when I just want to be at home in my own space doing mundane things like watching TV or reading. People should respect that – I know I try to.

8. What is your life’s mission?

At the moment it is to retire and pursue hobbies that I actually enjoy. I am sick of work now and I want more free time for my own selfish purposes. It’s happening very soon. 

9. If everyone walked around wearing warning labels, what would yours say?


I know people don’t think that I am weird, but I can be – and I think everyone should embrace their inner weirdo. I know I do. 

10. At what age did you first feel like you were an adult?

At the age of 19 when I left home to go to university. I think while I lived with my parents I was still dependent on them and, because I didn’t have a full time job (I was still at school) I felt like a child.  When I left home, I was on my own. I had to look after my own money, shop and cook for myself and basically, looking back, I felt that my three years at university were kind of like a job. So much changed during those three years and I feel that I actually grew up and stopped being the obnoxious little git that I had been up to that moment. 

11. When did you not speak up, but wish you had?

There have been many occasions during my working life when I have had to bite my tongue when dealing with co-workers, managers and customers. More recently, in the past ten or fifteen years, I have definitely changed in that regard. And now as the end of my career approaches, I speak my mind more than I ever have – basically because I no longer care. It’s kind of liberating, actually. 

12. What is something that makes your skin crawl?

Insects and spiders. I am not afraid of insects at all but I really don’t like them. If I catch one crawling on me I become animated trying to rid myself of the six-legged beast. Worse are spiders.

Have you ever walked through a spider’s web? There are few things worse than trying to pull the web off your face and what invariably happens is that you take the spider with it, which means that later you discover a spider crawling on your neck. Yeeeeeuuuuurrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!

13. What was the last thing to give you butterflies in your stomach?

I went to see my current favourite band last week in Manchester city centre. That band are called Riverside and they are a Polish progressive rock band. They were supported by a French rock band called Klone who I have also seen before and they too are amazing. 

Here are Klone (this song is simply beautiful):

And here are Riverside:

14. What's your favourite type of media to work with? (Paint, clay, pens etc.)

I am a terrible artist. I like to write but I do so on my laptop rather than using pens. If pushed I would say pens. 

15. What question do you hate answering?

This one. 

Also, “When are you going to grow up?”


Roger Owen Green said...

I've loved What have the Romans done for us? since I first saw it.
djt has a good chance of being the 47th President, which, as an American, fills me with utter dread.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Roger,

Yes - I know Trump stands a good chance of being president again. I simply do not understand it.




Annie said...

America has no choice in elections once again. Both parties suck as far as I can see. All I want is good sense in a president but I don't see that happening.

Bev Sykes said...

You don't understand how Trump could be reelected; neither do I. I just saw a report of interviews with people at a Trump rally and all I could do was shake my head in confusion.

CountryDew said...

We don't understand it, either, but here we are. It will be dire for not just the USA but also much of the world, I'm afraid, regardless of the outcome, but worse if it is Trump.

Maybe you could be in a rock band and be a roadie. Or the guy who brings out the different guitars to the lead singer every other song. I know it's not the front stage dream of rock and roll, but it could get you in the band. Just for a day, to fill that bucket list item.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Annie,

I agree - you could say that about the UK too.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Bev,

I shake my head in confusion every time I hear his weird rambling nonsense too.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi CD,

Yeah - I've always envied roadies. That's a thought ...

