Sunday 29 August 2021

Something on Sunday

Welcome to South Manchester on a sunny Bank Holiday weekend on day 42 since restrictions ended in the UK for Covid-19 (well 90% of them anyway). Bank Holiday weekend just means that we have a public holiday on Monday so we get a longer weekend. 

Here are some questions from Sunday Stealing with the dubious title “One Direction Asks” – I presume this is the over-rated “boy band” One Direction, so I am going to rebel and simply call this post “Something on Sunday” because I hate boy bands with a passion. Of course, if you like them or any other boy band then that’s fine.

Shall we dive in?

1. Are you a Jeopardy fan?  Who do you want to replace Alex Trebeck?.

Not at all. I’ve seen the show on trips to America in the past but that’s about it. I have no idea who Alex Trebeck is and wouldn’t recognise him if he said “Hi Plastic Mancunian! I’m Alext Trebeck – have you heard of me?”

2. What’s your favourite horror film?

That’s a tough one. I’m not a fan of horror movies but I quite enjoyed IT Parts 1 and 2 recently (because I have read the book too). I quite like a good science fiction horror – so I will say Aliens.

3. Are you a possessive person?

I’m possessive about objects I own and don’t want to get rid of, for example my CD collection. But when it comes to people, not at all. I would hate to be the target of a possessive person.

4. Who’s your idol?

Do you know, I don’t think I actually have an idol. There are lots of people out there who I respect but I wouldn’t say that I idolise them at all. 

5. List five things you can’t live without.

Number one on the list is oxygen of course and anything else that keeps my body ticking over.

In addition, here are five things that make my life pleasant:

Music, travelling, my house, my gadgets, money.

6. Where do you feel home?

I love travelling but I actually feel at home here in Manchester. There are a lot of places that I could live but my heart is still in this magnificent northern city and no matter how far I go I will always want to come back at some point.

7. What are your three best qualities?

I like to think that I am a nice guy, who listens, makes you laugh (intentionally sometimes but mostly unintentionally) and has a good heart.

8. Name three things that make you happy.

I would say Mrs PM, my friends and family and my cats.

9. What helps you when you’re feeling down?

Definitely music. If I feel a little down, which does happen occasionally, I just put on a suitable song. The actual song depends on the mood but something like this will always perk my mood.

10. Which big cities have you been to?

I’ve been to so many that I have lost count. Here are most of them:

Manchester (of course), Birmingham, London, Cardiff, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Paris, Munich, Berlin, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Rome, Prague, Budapest, Amsterdam, Zurich, Geneva, Dublin, Valetta, Moscow, New York, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Tulsa, Richmond, Miami, Toronto, Vancouver, Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Chiang Mai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Kyoto, Sydney, Brisbane, Guangzhou, Kunming, Muscat, Adu Dhabi, Dubai and Singapore. 

There may be more – and there may be some places that are cities but forgot about.

11. What’s your favourite love story? ( Book, film, etc. )

I’m not a lover of love stories (does that sound weird?). There is usually a lot of schmaltz, too much if I’m honest and I get bored because they are usually far too predictable. But Notting Hill made me laugh once or twice so I will reluctantly say that.

12. Talk about the best concert you ever attended.

I will have to say that my favourite band was Rush, who sadly are no longer a band because, sadly, they decided to call it a day shortly before drummer Neil Peart passed away. The last time I saw the band was the last time they visited the UK in 2013 and is to date the most expensive concert I have been to. 

In terms of being a spectacle it wasn’t the most explosive or exciting (that honour goes to German industrial metal band Rammstein who were incredible). Nevertheless, the music was amazing and they performed as they always did without a support, being onstage for over three hours (with an intermission). 

I was so sad when they called it a day and even sadder when Neil Peart died. But I am delighted that I saw them on their last tour of the UK.

13. What’s one thing you don’t ever want to change?

Apart from work, I don’t want to change my life at all. Once we can travel again (which is getting closer dear reader), that will see my life returning to normal. And that’s the way I want it to stay – preferably as a retired person.

14. What scares you?

I am scared of heights, something that has steadily got worse over the years. I guess if monsters and ghosts existed, I might be scared of those too.

15. What are three things you want to do before you die?

I am going to live forever. 

Well, if you are going to push me …

I want to go on a round the world trip – but I would be happy to visit Japan and Australia again, and a few countries that I haven’t been to yet, like New Zealand.

I want to write a novel or a serious book, rather than the crappy travelogues I’ve already written.

I wouldn’t mind trying to write a song. That would be fun.


The Gal Herself said...

I found your list of cities fascinating. Tulsa? Is it a major city? What did you think of Vegas?

BTW, Alex Trebek is dead. If he approaches you on the street, RUN!

Bev Sykes said...

Alex Trebek was host of Jeopardy for 30+ years and died a year ago. there is huge controversy, among Jeopardy fans, about who is going to replace him.

Trust me. You don't want to live forever ...all your friends will have died and you will be alone.

Me, Myself, and I said...

Someday, I'm going to visit the UK. I'd like to see Manchester :)

Kwizgiver said...

What style of music will your song be?

Elephant's Child said...

I am not a fan of boy bands either. They remind me somehow of romantic love stories. Synthetic and unbelievable. I do hope you achieve your ambitions.
We are still in lockdown here as Spring approaches.

CountryDew said...

I've written a couple of songs. If you go back in my blog you will find them there. The most recent one was about 10 days ago or so. I was playing with a guitar looper so it not quite what I wanted but sometimes I record them so I don't forget what I was trying to do. Maybe we should do a book-writing challenge. Sometimes it helps if someone is pushing.

River said...

#3- my DVD collection
#9-70s & 80s rock and roll music
#14- the current nasty Delta strain of Covid has me scared, but apart from that, nothing.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Gal Herself,

I don't know whether TUlsa is a major city or not - I didn't see much of it, as I was working there - but it does feature in a song. I guess you know better than I do.

Las Vegas was fun - but very hot. Until I went to the middle east, it was the hottest place I had visited (45 degrees centigrade) so we spent most of the time inside air-conditioned places.

I need to go back when it is cooler.

HA HA - okay - never heard of Alex Trebeck so I didn't know. But if I DO meet him I will run because I think I wll be afraid of ghosts.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Bev,

I still plan to live forever - if necessary I will just travel the globe alone.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Me, Myself and I,

Manchester is a very vibrant city - you will love it.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Kwizgiver,

I have no idea. I guess I will produce a slow ambient song first using computer software. I won't ruin it by singing because I sound like a mad cat.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi EC,

Yes - I've heard about Australia and its lockdowns. I hope you escape soon.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi CD,

I need to retire before starting a book really (though I am dabbling).

I'll take a listen to you song.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi River,

We have suffered with the Delta strain - it caused our third spike and I think it is still around. I've also heard that the vaccines offer protection against it.




CountryDew said...

Hey, thanks for listening to my song! That was nice of you to take the time to do that.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi CD,

No problem. I love music.

