Sunday 19 July 2020

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Welcome to sunny Manchester in the north of England on lockdown day 118. Things are easing slowly but surely but it is a tedious process. I’m still working from home and it looks like I will be for the next few months at least. The good news is that the rate of new infections and deaths is very slowly falling and we are now at the stage in the UK where local lockdowns may be in force in the future. For example, Leicester is still under a much more strict lockdown than the rest of the country at least for a couple more weeks. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that this could happen to Manchester too – but so far we are doing okay here.
Anyway – enough waffle. Let’s answer some questions from Sunday Stealing
1. What's your favourite movie from your childhood and why?
Even as a child I loved Science Fiction films so I will go for a real weird one; Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. I loved the TV series as well as the films. I even read the books of the films. Conquest of the Planet of the Apes was the best of the film series.

2. What is home to you?
They say that an Englishman’s home is his castle. Sadly, I don’t own a castle – though I would love to. Instead I have a three-bedroomed red-brick terraced house in a suburb of South Manchester which I share with Mrs PM and a nervous 18 year old black cat called Poppy. This is my home but I regard the city of Manchester as my home. 
3. Do you get emotionally invested in stories? (I'm asking about movies, books, tv shows, whatever medium you like your stories in.)
Definitely. Whenever I read a story, I am the hero. I become him (or her if the hero happens to be a woman) and feel their emotions, urge them to do the right thing and suffer when they inevitably do not and end up in a traumatic situation. I find myself questioning their choices sometimes and reprimanding them for what they have done. In movies I can actually get quite emotional and sometimes a tear falls down my cheek even in the oddest movies. The Elephant Man still tears my heart in two.
4. What is the most physical damage you've ever received without needing medical intervention (so no stitches or splints or anything)?
I don’t think I’ve ever been seriously damaged physically. I was once very stupid and was riding a bike with a passenger on the saddle. We were hurtling down a hill when I hit a pothole and we both went over the handlebars. I landed face first on the tarmac and my passenger landed on top of me. I thought that I had lost my two front teeth but thankfully all I did was chip one of them and had to walk home with an enormous fat lip. I looked like I had lost a street brawl with Mohammed Ali. That front tooth is now a crown. I was about 15 years old.
5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Not very far I would imagine. If there were a televised sporting event called “Woodchuck wood chucking” I would definitely watch it.
6. Do you have any obsessions? Like Tv shows, or cats or something. Not addictions.
You are talking to somebody who suffers from a mild form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder so the answer is yes. My main obsession is music and I cannot sit in silence; I have to have some music of some form in the background. For example I am typing this with a song playing in the background. I like a lot of TV shows and movies but I wouldn’t say that my obsession stretches that far. I like to watch shows but I am not obsessed with any of them really. 
7. What question or questions would you like God to answer?
Will you please come to visit me to prove that you actually exist? Will you please allow me to compile a list of questions to ask you? Can I take a selfie with you to show the world?
8. Do you bite your nails?
I used to but I stopped in my twenties.
9. What do you like about the place you live, I mean your housing, apt, house, mobile home, etc.
My house is a bit like Dr Who’s TARDIS because it looks small from the outside but is a lot larger inside than you would imagine. It is deep rather than wide, with a lounge, a backroom, which Mrs PM calls my “man cave” but really doubles as a second lounge, my office and a dining room if required. The kitchen is fairly large too and we have two double bedrooms and a smaller one at the back of the house. We have a nice garden that gets the sun all day when it dares to peep out from behind the rainclouds. 
The mortgage has been paid off and I am happy with that as you can imagine. The house is in a nice area of Manchester with a tram that can whisk us into the city in about 20 minutes and everything we need is within reach. A 20 minute drive south takes us into the Cheshire countryside for walks so we have the best worlds; close to a city and close to the beautiful rural English countryside.
I am very content here.
10. What do you like about the city or town where you live?
Manchester is the (unofficial) second city of England. Officially that award goes to Birmingham (near to where I used to live) but Manchester is more vibrant and is certainly the capital of the north of England in many people’s eyes. The people are very friendly, unlike those in London who just walk past you avoiding eye contact. Here is a news report about a man who left Manchester and had trouble in London:

Seriously, though, Manchester is an amazing place and I would urge anybody from overseas to come and visit us just to see for yourselves. Bring your umbrella though.
11. Is there one place you have visited that you wish you could live there?
Hong Kong. I love the place and I try to get back there as often as I can. It’s a real shame what is going on there at the moment and my heart breaks every time I see the news reports about China stamping down on citizens’ rights.
12. What's your favourite cookie to snack on?
I don’t eat biscuits as a rule (or cookies to American readers). But I do quite like Dark Chocolate Hobnobs.

13. Are you a Apple person or PC type person and why?
I still own an Apple iPod but I am a PC person – or an Android person when it comes to phones. I am not a huge fan of Microsoft at all and the only real reason I buy Windows PC’s and laptops is because I know more about the operating system. Similarly with Android phones. There is much more choice in the Android world and Android itself is based on Unix which I use in my day to day work. Basically, I think that Apple products are overpriced for what they are.
14. What's your favourite things about the Zoo?
I’m not a huge fan of zoos because I feel sorry for the creatures cooped up inside them. Having said that, I am fascinated with the animals you see there, like elephants, tigers, lions, apes, monkeys etc.
15. Did you grow up in the country, city or small town and what did you like about it (or hate about it if you didn’t like it?)
I grew up in a fairly large industrial town called Walsall which is about 10 miles north west of the official second city in England, Birmingham. I liked the fact that it was close to Birmingham, about a 15 minute train ride away but the town itself was not the most exciting place to live. It was okay but I wasted no time leaving the area when I was able to do so. I occasionally go back there but Manchester is a far better place to live. 
16. What kinds of things were you into and do when you were growing up?
I was quite an academic kid and definitely a geek. I still am. I read an awful lot and my curiosity was never satisfied. I would constantly ask questions, particularly about scientific subjects. I devoured science fiction programmes and films and also escaped into my own little world, creating stories in room with action figures. I was deeply into music, as I am now, and would lie on the bed with my eyes closed listening to pop music and heavy metal, sometimes pretending that I was in the band. I also loved football as I still do and tried to watch as much sport as I could. We lived next to a park so I also spent a lot of time playing football with friends.
Not an awful lot has changed to be honest – apart from the fact that I don’t play football any more.
I am still a geek.
17 .Do you enjoy receiving letters or postcards more, and why?
I haven’t received a letter or postcard for years and years. With social media, such things have become obsolete. I do dabble in social media and it is nice to be pinged occasionally.
18. Do or did you know any of your great-grandparents? Tell me about them.
I never met them. I did a little research about them recently when offered their services for free for a short while to commemorate VE Day and discovered that on my mother’s side, my great grandfather was a brass worker, i.e. he made things out of brass. Walsall, my home town, is famous for its leather products and in the past the town was the centre of the saddle-making industry in England. This was the occupation of another of my great-grandfather.
19. Do you like to be outdoors? What is your favourite thing to do there?
I do like being outdoors, even when it is raining if I’m honest. These days, I generally go for long walks either around the local area or in the countryside.
20. Have you ever broken a bone or been badly injured?
No. I guess I’ve been lucky.
And finally. 
I discovered a video on You Tube that I want to share. It is a song by a man from my hometown of Walsall that highlights the accent.
 I can imagine that you think I have a clipped English accent. I guess I would describe it as a neutral northern English accent, having lived in Manchester for 36 of my 57 years. However, for the first 18 years of my life, you would struggle to understand what I was saying. Walsall is in an area of England called the Black Country, so called because it was one of the industrial centres of the country and the by-product of all that industry was black smoke and soot. 
So really I come from the Black Country, and we are also called Yam Yams because really, I guess, that is what our accent sounds like. Have a listen to this song and see if you can imagine me speaking like this. It’s called “Am Yow a Yam Yam” which roughly translated means “Are you from the Black Country”? 
By the way, a person from Birmingham is called a Brummie and although that accent is similar to the Black Country accent at least you can understand it.
If you can understand it then I take off my hat to you.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy it. 


Stacy said...

I couldn't agree more with your thinking on Microsoft (evil devil) and Apple (over priced!). I also detest the way Microsoft links all my accounts and every time they update I think things get more gummed up and confused.

Have a great week!

Kwizgiver said...

You reminded me of how I loved the TV show the Planet of the Apes when I was a kid.

Bev Sykes said...

Fun song, whatever language it is!! LOL. I was able to pick a word or two out of it.

You and I are completely different It bothers me a LOT to have music going in the background, but I can have the TV on all day to keep me company and it doesn't bother me at all.

We passed through Manchester about 30 years ago, on our way to Buxton to a G&S Festival.

Lori said...

That is awesome you have your mortgage paid off already. We are close, but not yet.
The biscuits you posted look yummy! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

LA Paylor said...

so much to comment on. First of all we have a lot in common altho I never got to go to Manchester or anywhere in England. I like having music or tv on too, it seems to keep the censoring part of my brain busy so I can create. I am very imaginative too. LOVED the "good morning, victim" video... so funny! thanks for the laugh.
There are so many accents in England yet an American will say they know the English accent... too many Downton Abbey and The Crown shows... heh heh
I look forward to your posts. I also want to live in a castle, even yesterday looked online for "affordable castles" which if we didn't require four walls would be do able for our retirement...

LeeAnna at not afraid of color

LA Paylor said...

Yet again, the computer ate the entire LONG comment I left you... oh it was clever too. It's been happening so much. I'll try to reconstruct but it will be messy.

After reading your growing up answers I think we have a lot in common. LOVED the "good morning, victim" video so much, thanks for that. I wish we lived in a castle too, and just yesterday we looked at affordable castles. We could just purchase one if we don't want four walls.

There are so many accents in England and Americans will say they know the accent, the one accent... too many Downton Abbey and The Crown shows, heh heh

There was more but once I write it, it's all gone bye bye
LeeAnna at not afraid of color

Bev Sykes said...

Would you REALLY like to live in a castle? Aren't those things bloody cold and the heating bill humongous?

Elephant's Child said...

Take your hat off. I DID understand most of that video. I needed a translation of Am Yow a Yam Yam (unfamiliar term) but the rest was fine.
My most significant injury which didn't require stitches or splints was when I faceplanted into the road a few years back. Many, many bruises. A split lip (which has left a scar) a sprained ankle. Amazingly despite rather a lot of blood I didn't dribble any of it on my white trousers or shirt.
I hope your Covid 19 infections continue to fall. In our two most populous states the numbers are rising again. Dramatically.

songbird's crazy world said...

Just loved it when you compared your house to the Tardis ....

CountryDew said...

I could understand a lot of the song, not all of it, and if you hadn't explained the yam yam thing I'd have never gotten it. :-)

I am still a geek, too.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Stacey,

I work in IT and have suffered Microsoft for years. But sadly there isn't much you can do about it. We do try though.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Kwizgiver,

It was a great programme - and great films too.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Bev,

So you have been to Manchester - brilliant.

The language was English, believe it or not. ouu should hear a Glaswegian speaak.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Lori,

I love dark chocolate - which is great because Mrs PM hates it.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi LeeAnna,

Looks like your other comment got through. :o)

A castle would be too expensive but I don't think any of them are for sale anyway.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Bev,

Yes - they are cold and the heating bills would be huuuuggggeeeeeee.

And they are supposed to be haunted too (if you believe in ghosts) so that would bring down the temperature even more.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi EC,

Ah - You're an Aussie and I think we can largely understand each other more as English speakers - but I definitely take my hat off to you anyway.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Songbird,

That was my first reaction when I viewed the house for the first time.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi CD,

Hats off to you too.

Geeks stick together.




Julie said...

Ouch @ #4. I've done that a couple of times myself, but never damaged my teeth.

I've never seen any of the original Planet of the Apes films. I've been meaning to check them out, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Julie,

They are definitely worth it. They look a bit dated but are still watchable.

