Saturday 6 July 2019

I Love Questions

I’m back!
I’ve had a bit of a strange year so far and sadly blogging has dropped right down the list of stuff that occupies my time. I may spill the beans in the future but hopefully I will soon get back to normal inane crap on this little corner of the internet that I use as an outlet for my weirdness.
Something else I haven’t done for ages is to answer a set of questions from Sunday Stealing so to ease myself gently back into blogging, I’ve decided to have a go this week.
Let’s dive straight in.

1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now?
I think the answer is yes. After a few ups and downs I think stability is being resumed and I have a rough plan of action for the next ten years or so. 
2. Do you drink enough water?
I made an effort at the start of the year to make drinking a lot more water a regular habit. But then I did some research on what this really means and I have cut down a little in favour of other drinks like tea, coffee and fruit juice. One of the main problems with constantly drinking is the number of trips to the loo and Captain Paranoia tells me that my friends and colleagues have started talking about where I disappear to on a regular basis. They may be right – but I don’t actually care.
3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?
I haven’t eaten at Burger King for well over a decade – nor McDonalds come to think of it.
4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
I love the tranquillity of sitting on a beach, listening to the waves gently lapping up on the shore. That said, I also like the clean air and views of the mountains. I think the beach wins because it is easier to get to.
5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?
It depends on the day. Monday to Thursday I feel  tired and depressed because I have to go to work. Friday is good because it signals the last day of work and the start of the weekend so I feel content. On Saturday and Sunday I am relaxed and happy.
6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?
I would rather be taken because I think the other person would have to try and impress me rather than the other way round.
7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?
I have never worn high heeled shoes. Why on earth would ANYBODY wear them? Mrs PM struggles massively in them and I have to suffer because we can only walk so far and at such a slow pace that snails are overtaking us.
8. Vodka or wine?
Wine. I avoid spirits.
9. How often do you cry?
Not very often and usually over daft things.
10. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
Yes. When I was about 10 years old we had a young teacher called Miss Thomas and I had a severe crush on her. She was gorgeous.
11. Can you wire a plug?
Yes. I would really struggle if I couldn’t.
12. Do you wear socks to bed?
No. They make my feet itch.
13. What is currently bugging you?
Don’t get me started. Okay – two things. The ongoing disaster that is Brexit, which is embarrassing enough – but then the prospect of having the most untrustworthy lying clown as our next Prime Minister. If you think Brexit makes the UK a laughing stock – wait until Boris Johnson is in charge. God help my country! 
14. Can you change a car tyre?
I have never changed a car tyre. I have changed a wheel though.
15. Have you met more than ten celebrities?
It depends what you refer to as a celebrity and your definition of “met”. Although I have seen many famous people out and about I have only ever spoken to a handful of them. Do you count footballers and not so famous band members as celebrities?
16. Do you sleep naked?
No. I won’t go into the reasons why.
17. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended?
I have been to too many to make a decent choice. Maybe Queen in 1986. 
18. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow on line?
No. I don’t think you can judge a person in such a way unless you actually meet them. Call me old-fashioned. Also, Mrs PM would almost certainly perform a nasty operation on me.
19. Who is someone who has changed your life positively.
Many people have changed my life by helping to steer me in the right direction over the years. I think I’ll dedicate the question to some of the teachers who stuck with me when I was an obnoxious teenage brat. I doubt any of them are still alive – but you never know.
20. Favourite city?
In the UK it has to be Manchester. In the rest of the world, Hong Kong.
21. Can you drive?
I have been driving since the age of 24. 
22. Cigarettes or alcohol?
Alcohol. I have never smoked. 
23. Favourite and least favourite accents?
Bizarrely I quite like listening to Dutch people speaking English. My least favourite accent is probably that faux southern accent that supposedly hip and trendy celebrities try to speak to make them seem “down to earth” – for example Jamie Oliver.
24. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?
I had to look this one up and I discovered that it is a descendant of a game called British Bulldog, which was banned at my school because it was too dangerous. So I think I have played a variation of it.
25. Do you like 1980s fashion?
Absolutely. I started that wonderful decade as an eighteen year old and tried my best for the entire ten years to fit in with the bizarre fashions on parade. I love the 1980s.
So that’s it for now.
I’ll leave you with  a feel-good song by the great  Devin Townsend with a video that features a gorilla playing a bass guitar and elephants playing drums.


Elephant's Child said...

Welcome back.
I have missed your particular slant on the world.
Boris and Donald both give me the shudders. But then so does our very own ScoMo.

Pandora Behr said...

Hey Plas Man! Where have you been. I've missed you.

Hope all is okay over there. Take care, Pand

River said...

I'm not really a fan of questions, I tend to make up answers instead of being truthful.
#2, I've found that drinking more water is better for me and on days when I drink only water I run to the loo a lot less, the bladder is able to hold on to a greater amount and I am able to get out and about more easily because I don't have to constantly be asking directions to the nearest facility. Tea and coffee both have diuretic properties and maybe that's what causing you to need to pee more.
#7 if Mrs Plasman is struggling on high heels then why persist? Wear something more comfortable and fashion be damned. Go for lower and set a trend.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi EC,

The way worldwide politics is going we are in danger of walking a dangerous path.

As for Boris - the man is a pathological liar. He will tell anybody what they want to hear and contradict himself constantly - but under the persona of a foppish lovable clown. Ignore that outward appearance; he is a nasty piece of work.

(Deep breath Dave)




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

I've been to Vietnam and Hong Kong and been quite busy with other stuff - some good some not so good.

But I'm fine now and should be boring the world with my inane drivel more often.

How are you? Hope you are OK too!




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi River,

No - it was the water that was making me pee. That's not so bad but I did read that the amount of water you are supposed drink does not take into account the water in food, tea and coffee (despite its diuretic properties) and other stuff. I always try to drink at least four big glasses a day - but I was actually drinking more than that at the start of the year.

Mrs PM only wears high heels when we are going out. Normally she wears flat comfortable shoes. I've suggested that she carry the high heels in a bag and wear flat ones to get to our destination. It makes sense to me.




Grace said...

Happy to see you back and glad that I left you on the blogroll!

CountryDew said...

I just watched Bohemian Rhapsody last night and I bet that Queen concert was indeed something to remember. Freddie certainly knew how to put on a show.

My friend in England is very worried about Brexit and the next Prime Minister. I keep telling her we have the Donald here in the USA . . . but I never say things can't get worse. Because of course they can. Good luck.

Lori said...

I would love to have seen Queen with Freddie! What a memory! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Grace,

It's good to be back.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi CountryDew,

Freddie Mercury was an amazing frontman. He had the entire audience in the palm of his hand.

Boris is not quite as bad as Trump - but like Trump, there are people who simply look at him as a loveable buffoon. They couldn't be further from the truth.




Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Lori,

Just watch the Live Aid set they did - that is just a taster of how good they were.




Bev Sykes said...

Welcome back from me too. I feel sorry for the impending problems with your politicians. We have Trump, you know. :(

Come visit us again!