Welcome, dear reader, to another meme from Sunday Stealing . As you may have guessed from the title, this meme is called The Meme About Me, Myself and I.
1. What inspires you to blog?
I am a frustrated writer. I love to sit down and get my thoughts down, even though most of the time, they are rather strange reflections on life. I am very opinionated and blogging is a great outlet. If something annoys me I will write about it – it is a form of therapy and it really helps. One of my ambitions is to write a book and the journey to that goal will be quite an arduous one, particularly with work taking up too much of my time. In the meantime, writing short blog posts helps me along that road.
2. What’s the best thing about blogging, for you?
I love writing and I love the fact that other people are interested enough to read the words that I write, despite the fact that they are the product of a warped imagination. I love receiving comments too.
3. What is your favourite book of all time?
That’s a tough one. I am a huge fan or anything weird, so I will plum for “The Stand” by Stephen King. I will probably come up with another one if I think about it a little more.
4. It’s 9pm and for some reason you’ve been hungry all day, despite the three square meals. What do you rustle up?
I would rustle up my favourite quick snack; cheese on toast.
5. Who are three of your style icons?
What’s a style icon? I’m afraid I don’t have one. If you see the way I dress, when unsupervised by Mrs PM, you would probably say Worzel Gummidge.
6. What’s your current favourite song/piece of music?
My current favourite piece of music is the epic 24 minute long track Octavarium by Dream Theater.
It is an absolute masterpiece and brings tears of joy to my eyes. Follow the link and listen to it if you have a spare half an hour. If not, just listen to the first five minutes. It is beautiful.
7. What is the last book you read?
The last book I read was “Patient Zero” by Jonathan Maberry, a cross between 24 and Night of the Living Dead. It was a cracking read (if you like that sort of thing).
8. What is your current favourite recipe?
I can cook but I don’t enjoy it at all. If I must put an answer then I will say that my favourite is a quickly thrown together pasta dish in a mushroom sauce and bacon.
9. Who or what first inspired you to set up your own blog?
As I said above, it was my desire to write plus additional encouragement from Mrs PM who predicted that I would love doing it. She was right.
10. What object could you not live without?
At the moment I would have to say my desktop computer. It enables me to surf the web, write blog posts and listen to music.
11. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I would like to think, in an ideal world, that I have changed career and become a writer, travelling the world searching for inspiration to write a book. However, looking at it realistically I will still be doing the same job and I will be ten years older. Still, I can dream.
12. Who or what made you into the person you are today?
I would say that it is a combination of Mrs PM, my ex-wife W and my kids. I have been a different beast for the past few years and I am still evolving. I haven’t reached my peak – not by a long way.
13. What have you learned from blogging?
I have learned so much but the best thing is that there are some great people out there in the blogosphere who think just like me.
14. Knowing what you know now, what knowledge would you pass on to your past self?
This is a little bit of déjà vu because I completed an entire meme about this not too long ago. I guess I would get him to start writing sooner while following his instincts.
15. Sunday roasts - lunchtime or evening meal?
I would say lunchtime.
16. What has been your best blogging-related experience so far?
I guess it’s knowing that people all over the world have read and enjoyed my inane and sometimes insane ramblings. There are a lot of people out there who are as weird as I am.
Well done PlasMan - I've always enjoyed reading your stuff and will indeed look up Octavarium next time I'm on iTunes.
By the way, I've tried to join your PlasMan facebook page but all it does it take me to my own profile and then only gives me the website address when I look for it - so, Wavy Davey, do you want PlasMan Facebook fans or not?
....or is there something you're not telling me? *sniff*
here for sunday stealing. happy sunday!
G'Day Kath,
There's nothing sinister about the Facebook thing. I only put it on there because somebody suggested it. I will look into it - I've obviously cocked something up somewhere (and I bloody work in IT so that's doubly embarrassing).
Octavarium really is a masterpiece, one of many by Dream Theater.
Wavy Davy
Hi Genny,
Happy Sunday to you too.
Interesting; a cheese on toast eating Wurzel Gummidge.
I'll be checking out octavarium later too.
Happy Sunday!!!! ;-0
Hi Anji,
The resemblance is uncanny, actually. The only difference is that Worzel has nicer hair than I do,
Happy Sunday to you too Shahz.
Cheese and toast is good!
Have a great Sunday!
Join us for Monday Mayhem!
Hi Harriet,
It certainly is. In fact, I might just have some now.
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