Sunday 22 October 2023

Storms and Extraordinary Pals


Welcome to a South Manchester on a sunny autumn day, the day after a storm hit the UK. Over here, we get named storms and this one was called Babet. Why? I don’t know. But apparently it used to be a hurricane and by the time it had reached our shores it just brought wind and rain, causing major floods in Scotland. 

I had to drive down to Walsall yesterday and it wasa  most unpleasant. The worst motorway in the world (the M6) combined with a torrential downpour all the way caused a delay and made the journey there and back take twice as long.

It wasn’t fun.

Silly questions anyone? Here are some from Sunday Stealing

1. October reading & writing goals and plans

Reading? I'm currently reading a space adventure about assassins. At the same time I'm reading a book about the history of Britain. It's slightly out of my comfirt zone but you don't grow unless you do things like that. I'm actually enjoying it.

Writing? The same as ever. I try to write some form of garbage every day under the guise of freewriting. 

I also try to write the odd blog post but I really need to rekindle the more prolific nature I had when I started. I might combine freewriting with bloggery and start to post my rubbish more often. 

I have two back projects – a novel that is slowly evolving and a memoir of sorts. They are both very embryonic and may develop more when I retire. 

2. Something I did that totally paid off

Going part time. I only reduced by one day but it has given me a new lease of life. I take work far less seriously now and any work related stress has all but disappeared. I have actually been very busy on the Friday’s I have off sorting out personal stuff and reorganising things. And also just having a bit of fun. It is a good practice for retirement. 

3. I want to see this make a comeback

There are lots of things I want to see make a comeback. When I was younger I heard a lot of older people say “it was so much better when I was younger” and to be honest, I think I am becoming like those old people. 

The one thing that I have embraced is technology but that is a double edged sword. I want the art of conversation to return. I often see people who are more preoccupied with their phones that their friends and family. In the old days, people would go and sit in a cafĂ© or pub with their friends and actually talk to each other. These days people just sit playing with their phones and not chatting. 

When Mrs PM and I go to the pub, my phone stays in my pocket and Mrs PM’s in her handbag unless we have to get another drink or go to the loo. And as soon as the person returns they are put away again. 

When I’m out with mates it’s the same story. 

4. Generational traits I really value

I am a baby boomer – but only just. I was born in 1962 and the range is 1946 to 1964. I share a lot of traits of my fellow boomers but I also share some traits with Generation X, the next one. Mrs PM is Generation X. 

I looked up the traits of my generation and of the ones listed, I value the following:

Independence – I like to think I am self-reliant and over the years have had to be in some ways. 

Resourcefulness – I have had to dig deep into my own psyche to overcome problems that I have encountered over the years.

Goal-oriented – I really think it helps to have goals. You can change them and adapt but if you don’t have goals you are slightly directionless. 

5. Changes I’d like to see in my daily environment

There are a lot of potential changes coming over the next couple of years with my daily environment as I near retirement. What I don’t want is for me to become a couch potato. I want to be able to wake up in the morning with a plan that involves doing something constructive every day. 

6. Favourite soup dishes

I love most soups. I think my favourites are probably:

Chicken and mushroom

Leek and potato

Broccoli and Stilton

7. Start with the best part, or save the best for last

Save the best for last – every time. That way whatever experience you have just gets better and better.

8. The most chaotic part of my daily life

Work – without a doubt. It’s been fine working from home but now the management of the company are insisting that we have to go into the office at least two days a week. Whenever I go into the office I get less work done because of constant interruptions, interruptions that I can ignore when beavering away at home. They keep coming up with terms like “collaboration” but I am a person who likes to get things done in good time. If I am constantly disturbed for whatever reason it jeopardises my goals. 

Going to the office also nukes my normal daily work routine. SInce I am so close to retirement anyway, I may just say to hell with it and disobey their stupid rule. They can't hurt me so why not? The naarchist in me is starting to venture out again.

Mini-rant there but I am at odds with the management view of things. Good job I haven’t got long left, eh?

9. If I could only eat 10 things, I’d pick




Granny Smith apples

British sausages




A variety of vegetables

Bread and butter

10. What Autumn feels like where I live

At the moment it is sunny, chilly, slightly windy and there are leaves everywhere, the trees currently relinquishing them at a rate of knots, mostly over my garden. There is usually rain (we have just had storm Babet as I said above) but at least there isn’t snow – yet!

11. The teacher who would be most proud of me

I had a massive crush on the junior school teacher who taught me in my final year there. She was young and had long dark hair. I was one of the most intelligent kids in her class and as such I spent a lot of time talking to her (because I really liked her). She did nothing but encourage me to be the best I could be – and I think she would be proud. I would imagine she is still alive; I was about 10 years old and I estimated that she was probably about 25, making her mid-70’s now. 

12. My go to Halloween snacks & treats 

Nothing. I hate Hallowe’en (see moans and rants in previous posts). 

13. 10 ways my life is great right now

I am back travelling. The next one will sadly be in 2024 but we have plans for heading over to the Far East again as well as Europe.

The back room is almost finished so I have my man cave/office/second lounge back again. And Mrs PM has promised me that there will be no home improvements for at least three years. Result!

In my head I feel like I am a teenager. Embrace that inner child.

Football is back and I am enjoying the new season.

My piano playing is improving. 

I am close to retirement.

I am actually quite content despite the things that life is currently hurling in my direction.

I don’t have a mortgage. That is a big thing.

I live in a wonderful suburb of an amazing city so it is virtually impossible to get bored. Even when I feel bored, I can find stuff to relieve the boredom that satisfies the introvert within – learning Spanish, writing, listening to music, playing stupid video games, reading, watching TV, etc. 

Mrs PM.

14. A perfect day indoors looks like…

Today has been a day indoors but to be honest it wasn’t perfect because I have been battling with a cupboard from IKEA and losing. 

Normally, it would involve a lovely breakfast, do the necessary chores as soon as possible, write something, listen to music, read, play with the cats, watch a bit of TV, watch a bit of sport, chat to Mrs PM. 

15. Pumpkin spice…

Never tried it. Probably never will.


  1. #8 is interesting. I worked in downtown Chicago and I hate what wfh did to the small businesses -- shops, cafes -- that catered to office workers. On the other hand, I wasn't crazy about going back to work. I liked taking my first meeting of the morning with the camera off because my hair was still wet from the shower. I think it's easier for senior workers to mentor junior ones when we're all onsite, but I also know not everyone has someone to mentor. So I'm firmly on both sides of this one.

  2. EVERYTHING is on the damn phone. Checking in at the doctor's office. Coupons. Tickets. Receipts. The silent auction I participated in last night.

  3. You're not missing much on the pumpkin spice. I can tell you from personal experience that having no goals is more than "slightly" directionless - it is total chaos and quite anxiety-inducing.

  4. My husband retired last year. He first went to 4 days and then he went to 3 days and then he went to 2 days and then he retired. He has found a job volunteering two mornings a week and he LOVES it. You are smart to be working 4 days - I think it will help with retirement.

    My sister-in-law and brother-in-law (husband's identical twin brother!), along with 8 of their friends are in Scotland right now. In the photos, I could tell it was raining! They are headed to Ireland next.

  5. I like your generational traits list, some of which made mine, too. I'm a Gen X-er, like Mrs. PM, a 1970 baby. I love my feral child status!

  6. Never tried pumpkin spice??? You must be unusual.

  7. Hi Gal Herself,

    I can see what you mean but I am beyond that now, I think. I will suffer unless the anarchist within takes control. I do know of people who just go to meetings on audio and not shwoing their faces - of both sexes too. I do imagine that "just got up look". I look like that all the time so I am happy to show my face.




  8. Hi Roger,

    Yes - you are right. And I can understand the frustration.




  9. Hi CD,

    It just seems weird not to have any goals - even simple ones. Maybe that's just teh way I am.




  10. Hi Lisa,

    I have thought about going down to three days - but I'm happier to just go I think.

    Crikey - to be in Scotland during the storm would have been even worse than being in Manchester. There were lots of floods there.




  11. Hi Kim,

    Mrs PM was born in 1970 too.




  12. Hi Bev,

    We don't have it in the UK. I am sure some Brits have tried it - but I would imagine it's very few.



