Sunday 18 August 2019

Swap Bot

It’s Sunday so time for some questions from Sunday Stealing.

Let’s dive right in shall we?

1. What do you enjoy about summer?

Summer in the UK is usually a little hit and miss. It rains quite a lot but a lot of the time we have some beautiful sunny days that are very warm but not overly oppressive like some places I have been to. The temperature is generally in the range 20 to 30 degrees Centigrade with the odd day getting hotter (we achieved 32 in Manchester a week or two ago). The best days are those when the temperature is in the mid-20s and we can enjoy the beautiful British countryside. In fact, that’s exactly what we will be doing later.

2. Do you like snow? Why?

Not at all. Snow is horrible; wet, cold and slippery. Whenever it snows in the UK things grind to a standstill. We usually get mild winters so it isn’t cost effective to prepare as they do in Russia for example. So when it snows we struggle. The only good thing about snow is that it can make the countryside look nice – as long as I don’t have to walk in it, I don’t mind.

3. What do you think about dogs?

I love dogs and I wish I had one. The problem is that working all day makes it difficult to look after one and I hate the idea that the poor thing would be cooped up in the house all day. No dog deserves such a prison sentence. However, I plan to reconsider when I retire which will be fun because Mrs PM is more of a cat person. We will have to think that one through.

4. Have you ever gotten lost?

Yes – but only because of Mrs PM who no sense of direction at all. The last place I was genuinely lost was in Shinjuku railway station in Tokyo – the biggest railway station I have ever seen. We were cutting through to avoid a massive detour and it seemed so simple. I didn’t anticipate it being a complete labyrinth. We asked a station employee how to find the exit we wanted and for about five minutes he struggled to guide us. Eventually, the next day, we escaped. Not really – but we were in there for about half an hour – it would have been quicker to walk around.

5. What are your favourite type of socks?

Socks that fit my feet.

6. What is your favourite style of shoes?

Anything that is comfortable. I particularly like trainers when going for a nice long walk.

7. What would you name your boat if you had one?

It would have to be Boaty McBoatface. What else?

8. What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as fact?

As I get older I am becoming a total cynic. This is a healthy trait and I am proud of it. When politicians open their mouths, people tend to trust what comes out. I don’t believe a word any of them say. I think that they are all power-crazed malignant narcissists. When I hear the current clown in charge of the UK say “Brexit will be good for Britain” all I want to do is walk up to the man and punch him repeatedly until he tells us all the truth.

I hate these borderline psychopaths and the fact that people believe they have our interests at heart.

Liars - every single one of them!

9. What was the last shop you went into and what did you buy?

Mrs PM and I went to the local supermarket yesterday and bought everything we need for the coming week – a list far too long to bore you all with.

10. What's your favourite thing to do to pass the time?

There are a lot of things; writing drivel like this, listening to music, watching TV, going for a long walk, watching sport and reading a good book. There are lots more that I won’t list.

11. What is a way to die that scares you the most?

Falling off a tall building. People say it would be quick but I am terrified of heights and the plummet down to my death would be the most terrifying few seconds of my existence.

12. Travel or home body?

I love to travel and I escape to different countries whenever I get the opportunity to. This year alone I have been to Vietnam and Hong Kong and in the next month or two I am going to Greece and Spain.

13. Have you ever gone to a Bingo hall?

Yes – but not for decades.

14. What is the longest plane trip you have taken?

The longest single plane journey was 13 hours from Hong Kong to Manchester this year. The longest entire journey involving changes was 24 hours: Kunming in China to Manchester via Beijing and Amsterdam. It was terrible.

15. Do you text more or call more? Why?

I text more – but really it is WhatsApp that I use. I only rarely speak to people on the phone these days. Why? Texting/WhatsApp is far more convenient.


  1. A labyrinth only has one path. Shinjuku is a maze.

  2. Boaty McBoatface -- I had the meme with this on my blog not long ago. Ha ha ha. Never gets old.

    Hope you have great travels!

  3. Thank you for your answer to #8. You speak truth.

  4. I also would love to get a dog when I retire. :)

    Living in northern Maine we get so much snow--I like it for the first month, but then I'm tired of it.

  5. I text more too. I can do multiple things as I am texting. If I am on the phone, I have to concentrate on what the person is saying so I can respond. I only talk to my mom on the phone. Geez...ya know this makes me thing of writing letters...I only ever wrote to my Grandparents and when they passed, I do not write anyone. I wonder if it will be that way for the phone? Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  6. I suspect "Boaty McBoatface" may already be taken. LOL

  7. My longest plane trip was 19 hours. On the way to Argentina for my trip to Antarctica. It was truly foul. The trip was worth it, but...

  8. Hi 勝美,

    Shinjuku is definitely a maze. I think I would struggle even if I had a proper map.




  9. Hi J Lenni Dorner,

    I absolutely loved the fact that this daft name was the winner.




  10. Hi CountryDew,

    I've met one politician in my life when I was a student. He was a smiling viper - and I have never trusted any of them since - even those whose policies I support.




  11. Hi Kwizgiver,

    I've been to Maine - thankfully it was the end of summer, start of autumn (or fall for you guys). Glad I left before winter if there is lots of snow.




  12. Hi Lori,

    I used to write letters when I was a kid. I don't do it now (apart from stupid open letters I have written on this blog).




  13. Hi Bev,

    In that case - Boaty McBoatface II.




  14. Hi EC,

    I'm quite envious that you have been to Antarctica.

    I'll bet it was amazing.




  15. I am totally in agreement about politicians. NONE of them have the best interests of us at heart. They are totally about what keeps them in their cushy jobs.

    Antarctica? Wow. I'm impressed. I bet that was amazing.

  16. I wonder what would go thru your mind if you fell off a building.

  17. Hi Stacey,

    Sadly it wasn't me who went to Antarctica. I would love to though.




  18. Hi Powdered Toast Man,

    I love you name :o)

    I imagine it would be something like:




