Sunday 25 August 2019

Love Me Some Questions

This is the first blog post I have written on my new laptop. My old desktop was becoming far too slow and clunky – so now I have an amazing new laptop with go-faster stripes.

Sadly it won’t make my typing any faster.

Here are this week’s questions from Sunday Stealing.

1. Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music?

Constantly. Mrs PM says that the music I like “isn’t music”. I have been called a musical fascist and a musical dinosaur. Worse I am accused of “preaching” when it comes to talking about music. I am not preaching, dear reader. What I am doing is trying to get people to open up their minds to new music, new styles of music and new artists, not the same old crap you have no choice to listen to on just about every radio station out there. To sum up, I like what I like but the categories covered are pop music, electropop, progressive rock, progressive metal, hard rock, melodic rock, heavy metal, classical music (not opera), indie rock, classic disco music. Having said that – there is much more. If I like a song – I like it. I don’t care what style or genre it is.

Here is an amazing song by a band you have probably never heard of. You can thank me later.

2. Is anyone’s birthday coming up?

Yes. A good friend of mine has his birthday in just over a week. He is just over a month older than I am so I get that period of time to remind him to make fun of his age before I reach it myself in October.

3. Do you remember who you liked in grade eight?

I had to look up what Grade 8 was because, as you may have noticed, I live in the UK not the USA. I went to a boys only school and I hated it – the main reason being that there were no girls there and some of the kids were too far up their own arses. I did like girls I knew outside school but no particular girl leaps to mind from that period.

4. When was the last time you burned any part of your body?

I stupidly plunged my hand under the hot tap a month or two ago.

5. If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on?

I would probably go to the pub and have a pint of ale. Cheers.

6. What are you most excited about right now?

I am going to Greece in just under a month’s time. We are going to Kefalonia to enjoy a last taste of summer before the weather turns to nastiness.

7. Does / did either of your parents serve in the military?

My dad was in the army in the late 1950’s. At that time the UK had national service so every fit young man had to serve at least 18 months in one of the armed forces. I think he stayed in for three years before finally quitting.

8. Are you somewhat of a perfectionist?

Yes  - I think I am. I try not to be because it means that some tasks take a lot longer as I try to iron out all of the imperfections. “It doesn’t have to be perfect, Dave!” is a mantra that I should recite over and over again.

9. Do you like sour candy?

I had to look up what sour candy is too. No – I don’t like it.

10. Are all nighters something you have grown used to?

I have had to work all night as part of my job on occasion. You would understand why if I told you what I do for a living. Suffice it to say it is unavoidable and, thankfully, as I edge towards the end of my career, I try to leave it up to the younger people to do it.

11. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving?

No. I wear glasses instead because if I were to wear sunglasses I would crash. I have lenses that automatically go dark in the sunshine but sadly they do not through glass. So I have to suffer.

12. Do you wear your shoes around the house?

Sometimes. I usually wear just socks or slippers but there are occasions when I wear shoes (usually when I haven’t got round to taking them off).

13. What clothes are you most comfortable in?

Jeans and a T-shirt. Today is 30 degrees so I am wearing shorts instead of jeans, which would be very uncomfortable in this heat.

14. Are you good at painting nails?

No. I have never painted my own or anybody else’s nails.

15. Smoothies or slushies?



  1. I enjoyed the song you posted. Like you, I enjoy the music I enjoy regardless of genre.

  2. I liked that song very much! Thanks for sharing! I like a lot of different styles of music.
    I would be excited for that Greece trip too! Have fun! Loved your answers! Have a nice day!

  3. I cringed when I read how you burned your hand. Those injuries don't feel so little, do they?

  4. All nighters are largely things of the past now (hooray). I am an early riser though (just before 4 this morning)which my partner believes is getting up in the middle of the night.
    Have fun in Greece.

  5. I enjoyed the song. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    And now you really have me wondering what you do.
    Greece! Oh, I am jealous. I would love to go there one day.
    Have a wonderful week!

  6. I have wanted to get the glasses that darken in the sun, but mh prescription is too strong (plus I have trifocals) so not possible Now that I know they don't darken behind glass, I'm happy with what I have, which are sunglasses which fit over regular glasses. They are perfet.

  7. Love your answer to the first question. That's kind of me, too, but I'd add country and Latinx and African music.

    Also, GREECE! I love Greece! Have a wonderful trip (and birthday).

  8. I clicked on the video and when I saw it was 8 minutes long I got ready to stop it at about 3 minutes, but ended up listening to the whole thing because I liked it :)
    #2 yes, my grand-nephew will turn 6 in a couple of weeks.
    #11 why not get prescription sunglasses for driving? I don't drive but got prescription sunnies years ago, best money I ever spent.

  9. Hi Kwizgiver,

    It's actually a little bluesy too - so I could add blues and blues rock to the long list of genres.




  10. Hi Lori,

    There are plenty more songs where that came from.




  11. Hi The Gal Herself,

    It bloody hurt I can tell you. After the initial shock I noticed that my pride was also hurt.

    What a bloody foolish thing to do.




  12. I had prescription sunglasses for awhile, but I wear trifocals, and it just works better to have over-the-glasses sunglasses.

  13. Hi EC,

    I shall definitely have fun in Greece. $am is far too early for me - 6am is more usual.




  14. HI Stacey,

    Greece is amazing (as is most of Europe). I think this will be our 7th trip and we are planning to go again next year.




  15. Hi Bev,

    I've tried those actually (the shades that fit over the top) and I hate them.

    I'll cope without,




  16. Hi Cat,

    Mmmm - not too keen on country sadly (I like the odd one) but some African music is amazing.




  17. Hi River,

    I'm glad you liked the tune - not all of their songs are that long.

    I did have (and still have) some prescription glasses for driving but sadly they aren't that good and cost more than they are worth. I might buy some new ones if we had as much sunshine as you do, Down Under, but it's probably not worth it.



