Friday 25 October 2024

To Do, To Do


Welcome to a cloudy but dry South Manchester. It’s a little dull and the clouds are a kind of light grey and it is a little chilly as we head towards November. The clocks go back on Sunday and the nights are drawing in. As they say in Game of Thrones – Winter is Coming.

That sounds depressing (I hate winter) so I think it’s time to cheer myself up with some silly questions from Sunday Stealing

1. What’s your guilty pleasure? 

I don’t believe that guilty pleasures exist. If I like something, then I who cares?

However, there seems to be a movement that insists upon the existence of such things. These people seem to forget that every human being is different and no two people are really alike, even though they both like similar things. 

Based on the type of music I like, people might want to pop me into a certain category. In which case, here is a song that may be classed as a guilty pleasure for me based solely on my musical preferences. To me it isn’t a guilty pleasure – it’s a song I like. You may disagree but I care not one jot.

2. Which meal is your favourite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

I think that would have to be dinner, though I do like a good hearty breakfast at the weekend. 

3. What do you do when you want to chill out after a long day?

I usually become a couch potato briefly and collapse on the sofa in front of a good TV programme. It’s relaxing and it takes me away to a different place. 

4. How would you spend your ideal weekend?

Now that I am retired, weekends have become a little weird, I have to say. I’m still getting used to them to be honest. What I’m trying to do is to settle into a daily routine from Monday to Friday so that I can leave my weekends more free to spend time with Mrs PM (who is of course still part of the rat race). Ideally, we will go out somewhere and do something interesting. For example, tomorrow we are going to Harrogate, across the Pennines, to visit my sister and have a wander around that lovely Yorkshire town. 

5. Do you listen to podcasts, or mostly just music? What’s your favourite podcast?

I mostly listen to music but recently I have been trying to improve my Spanish by listening to Spanish podcasts during my morning walk. I struggle to understand Spanish spoken by native Spanish speakers so although I can read and understand a lot of the language, I find it really tricky to listen to people. I’ve started listening to an American Spanish teacher who is telling easy stories in Spanish – and it is helping a little bit. The stories are simple and repetitive but I do understand them. I am hoping to graduate onto listening to more complex stuff spoken by native speakers at some point in the future. 

6. Do you prefer to go to the movies or watch movies at home?

It depends on the movie. If it’s a huge science-fiction blockbuster the cinema is definitely the best place. 

7. What was your favourite TV show growing up?

That’s a difficult question. I loved programmes like Dr Who and Star Trek (the original series) as well as comedy shows like Monty Python’s Flying Circus and Fawlty Towers. 

For example I love this Monty Python sketch – it is so clever. 

I also loved the Banana Splits and cartoons like The Pink Panther Show.

8. What’s your favourite TV show now?

Again – a very difficult question. I love shows like The Boys, Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy and Stranger Things. There’s great comedy around like Curb Your Enthusiasm and, of course Dr Who is still going strong. 

Hand on heart, though, I think The Boys is my current favourite. 

9. How would you spend your birthday if money was no object? 

I would spend a week or so in Hong Kong with Mrs PM. We are tentatively planning to go to Malaysia next year and, of course, we will visit Hong Kong on the way back. 

10. What’s your favourite season? What do you love most about it?

Summer is my favourite season because it is usually warm, sunny, verdant and the days are long. Also, there is a lot going on during the summer months and, while I love the UK, I take the opportunity to go abroad as well. 

11. Do you prefer camping or going to the beach? 

I’ve only camped once in my life and I didn’t really enjoy myself. I think given the choice, a day at the beach would be much more preferable. 

12. Which phone app do you think you use the most?

It is one of the following: 

You Tube, Spotify, my bank app, Google Chrome, Google Calendar, Duolingo, the camera, email, WhatsApp. 

13. Would you instead cook, order delivery, or go out to eat? 

I think going out to eat is preferable. Personally I don’t like cooking. We rarely order food for delivery. 

14. How do you drink your coffee?

I drink my coffee decaffeinated and black without sugar (an Americano if you prefer). 

15. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?

Ideally I would like a dog and a cat or two. But I am happy with my two lovely little cats.  

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