Saturday 10 September 2022

A Tale of Two Elizabeths


Greetings from South Manchester on a cloudy day with hints of sun and blue sky. 

I am going to answer the usual Sunday Stealing questions (see later) but first I thought that I would talk about two ladies called Elizabeth who have made quite an impact to the UK this week. Apologies in advance for the rambling post – you can skip to the questions if you like.

First, the Queen of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth has died at the age of 96. She was known as Queen Elizabeth II and had a good innings both in terms of her age and also in terms of her reign, being the longest serving monarch in our history. She was on the throne for 70 years celebrating her platinum jubilee earlier this year. She was even working up to two days before her death on Thursday, accepting the resignation of Boris the Clown as Prime Minister and asking his successor to form a government the same day. More about that later.

She has been queen my entire life and it will be odd for us in the UK as now we have a new monarch, her son King Charles III who is king now but will be formally crowned in due course. Our new coins, notes etc. will bear his face and name alongside many other things and the transition will be gradual with many things like post boxes still bearing the ER insignia for a while, I imagine, rather than CR that will come soon.

So what do I think of all this? 

Regular readers know that I am not a royalist at all. With my hand on my heart, all I can say is that I am ambivalent to the Windsor family. I don’t hate them but I don’t love them either. When they appear on the news because one of them tripped up and fallen over in public, I tend to switch it off. To me they are just celebrities, born into the role and not people that I have the remotest interest in, a bit like reality TV stars. I have said that if I had met the queen, or if I ever meet the king, I would not follow etiquette. To me they are just people – not any better or worse than I am.

But now the UK has gone mad. The flagship TV channel BBC 1 has had wall to wall coverage of this news story, shelving all programmes since it happened (including today – Saturday) with 24 hour news about the queen and tribute after tribute from famous people all over the UK as well as politicians and tearful members of the public. There is not one bad word about her or her family. 

Most if not all celebrities and politicians have to praise her, or say how utterly fantastic she was, lest they are alienated and cancelled for saying anything bad or even hinting at any criticism. They are positively falling over each other to express their grief and praise. 

People who have never met her are pontificating all over the news and crying as if she were a member of their own family. 

She was arguably the most famous person in the world but I don’t understand it personally. Royalists reading this may frown at best upon reading these words – others will condemn me. I don’t really care. She was just another person to me – a famous one admittedly – who was a part of British culture. 

She has been part of my life at a distance for my entire 59 years on this island called Great Britain, so as I said above, it will be weird without her on the news all the time but I am not mourning her loss as royalists want me to. I just want the over-the-top coverage to stop now and for us to get on with life. We have enough problems in the UK without having to stop everything for one passing. 

I do hope she rests in peace and my thoughts are with her family but that is all.

Actually, one more thing will change. The National Anthem of the UK is called God Save the Queen. This, and the lyrics, will change to God Save the King. That will take a little getting used to.

This leads me onto the next Elizabeth I want to talk about. 

On Tuesday of this week, Queen Elizabeth II’s last major duty was to finally accept the resignation of the King of Clowns, Boris Johnson. Good riddance to the incompetent buffoon who was the worst Prime Minister that we have had in my lifetime (and possibly ever). His replacement is the second Elizabeth in this post – Elizabeth “Liz” Truss, the third female Prime Minister we have ever had. 

To say that Liz Truss is out of touch is a massive understatement. She may not be quite as bad as Boris Johnson (let’s face it – Ronald McDonald would have been a better Prime Minister) but her leadership campaign exposed her as being another bad leader. She already had a massive U-turn and refused to do an in-depth interview with a high profile BBC political journalist saying that “she didn’t have time”. 

The truth is that he probably would have torn her apart.

All she had to do was to convince 140,000 members of her party that she was up to the job – that’s 140,000 people deciding the future Prime Minister. I think that if a Prime Minister resigns, we should have a General Election because Liz Truss basically told this elite group of people what they wanted to hear.

You may think that I am getting ahead of myself in criticising her but her policies fill me with no confidence and she actually praised her predecessor. 

Anyway – here is a video of what we might have to suffer from her.

God help us!

Okay – now to the questions from Sunday Stealing

1. What flavour Popsicle is the best? 

In the UK, we call “popsicles” ice lollies and I used to love one that was around in the 1970’s called an Orange Maid – it is apparently still around today though I haven’t had one for about forty years. These days I tend to eat chocolate covered ice cream lollies called Magnum. Delicious.

2. Do you have a DVR feature with your cable? 

I have Sky TV which comes with a box capable of recording any program on any channel. What I tend to do is record entire series and watch them at my leisure and at the moment there is a lot of stuff to watch, including movies, documentaries, gigs and normal TV series. It’s so easy to use.

3. How many drawers does your dresser have? 

We have a couple of dressers scattered about the house. Two have four drawers and the biggest one in the second bedroom has six drawers (but is largely used to store non-clothing items.

4. Is your closet a mess? 

We don’t have a closet as such, just a cupboard under the stairs. Is it a mess? Partly. When you open the door you see some stuff on the floor like the vacuum cleaner and other similar household bits and pieces and some shelves that are neat and tidy containing all manner of files and books. To the left we hang coats but at the back it is a bit of a mess – mainly because it is difficult to get too. To be honest we should sort it out because we don’t actually know what is in there.

5. Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube? 

I have never owned a Rubik’s cube even when everybody else seemed to have one. I have had a go at them but ultimately it would have wasted too much of my time, so I guess the answer is no.

6. Describe your favourite pair of pajama pants: 

We call them pyjamas in the UK – pronounced the same but spelt slightly differently, just like all of the American spellings I usually correct when answering these questions. We also call them jim-jams (well I do anyway because I am weird).

I just bought some new ones actually as winter is approaching. They are officially called “leisure wear” but I use them as pyjamas. One is black and the other a dark blue. Both are very nice and very comfy.

7. What colour is your wallet? 

My wallet is black. I like black wallets.

8. Do you find flea markets and thrift shops enjoyable? 

I don’t find shopping enjoyable so I am hardly likely to favour flea markets and thrift shops above any others.

9. Have you met amazing people online? 

I’ve met one fellow blogger once, a very sweet and funny Australian lady called Kath who has moved to Geneva, Switzerland. I caught up with her when I was working there. She actually wrote about the experience. You can read it here

I would be quite happy to meet other bloggers. 

10. Would you be happy if I coloured a picture for you? 

Sure – why not?

11. What show do you think 'made' the 90's? 

For me it was the science fiction epic Babylon 5. I absolutely loved it. I love Star Trek but this is much better (something that almost alienated me from a few die-hard trekkers I know). Here is a taste of what it is like:

Rumour has it that they are rebooting it. That will be amazing if it is true.

12. Are you happier now than you were last year? 

Personally I’m not sure. Certain events have unfolded over the course of the last twelve months both personal and otherwise that have challenged my usual content self. That said, the outlook now is on the up and I feel (hope) that next year will be better.

13. What are you currently drinking?

I am drinking a huge mug of decaffeinated tea. I prefer caffeinated (or full fat) tea but over the past few years I have all but eliminated caffeine from my diet. I feel better for it.

14. Do you trust people easily? 

I approach people positively and I hope that I can trust them but to be honest it depends on the person. I like to think I am a good judge of character and so far my trust has usually been well placed. I tend to avoid toxic and aggressive people although I will always be my usual friendly self, even to them.

15. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?

The first thing is my trip to Greece on Friday. Mrs PM and I are travelling to Zante for a week of relaxation and I can’t wait. 

We have also managed to slip in a weekend to country I have never been to before. Next month we are travelling to Copenhagen in Denmark for a long weekend. I am really looking forward to that because I have heard that the Danes are brilliant people. 

There also may be a university reunion in November, another trip abroad, this time to a city I have visited many time – Amsterdam. If that comes off, I will have been abroad five times this year. 

Of course three months includes Christmas, usually a busy time, and we have a couple of things planned with family and friends that should be good.


  1. I am with you on the subject of the Royals. As far as we can see the Queen did do an amazing job. I feel for her family having at this most private time to grieve in the public eye.
    Time will tell about your new King - and your Prime Minister.

  2. I can't claim to be a Royalist either, but I did cry, a lot, when I heard the news and watched TV the whole day. I cried for the world losing a wonderful woman and a great leader. I cried for her family who will now have to manage without her wise words and steadying hand. I cried because I liked her and now she is gone.
    With your title, I thought you were going to make comparisons with the two Queens, Elizabeth 1 and Elizabeth 11.

  3. Hi EC,

    Sure - she did her job very well, taking on the roles and functions that were expected of her. I wouldn't like to be a monarch - your life is not your own.

    Charles will have the same problem - and he's no youngster - he's 73. I am sure he will be fine.

    I wish I could say the same about Liz Truss though.




  4. Hi River,

    A lot of people did cry - some of them publicly on TV. As I said to EC, she did a very good job and dulfilled everything that was expected of her - and I believe she was ver interesting to talk to (not that I would ever have had the chance to myself).

    I don't really know that much about Elizabeth I to be honest - but things have changed a lot since she was queen way back in the mists of time of the 16th century.




  5. Oh, I envy your travel plans! I hope you'll blog about the trips. I absolutely loved Denmark.

  6. As an American and not a royalist at all, I was surprised that QEII's passing made me very sad. Maybe it's because she was a constant presence in our lives. Odd, I know.

  7. I have to ask . . .if you don't have a closet, where do you hang things like suits (pants and jacket) or dress shirts? Where does your wife hang skirts and dresses? Do y'all fold everything and put in a drawer? I always learn so much from your posts!! I was wondering what you would have to say about the death of the Queeen. If a president of the U.S. died, there would be a lot of news coverage, too. From what we are seeing on the American news, it does seem as if everyone loved the Queen.

  8. I have not heard much good about Liz Truss from my English friend. You are not alone there. One of my favorite scenes from B-5 is when Ivanova does "boom shaka-laka" and makes up a "human style" of sex. B-5 was a great series, but I didn't see it until the 2000s.

  9. Hi Kwizgiver,

    It's good to know that you liked Denmark. I know I will.




  10. Hi Roger,

    Don't get me wrong - it is sad - especially as she has been around all my life. But I am no more upset about Elizabeth than I am about any other celebrity, which is what the royal family are in my view.




  11. Hi Lisa,

    I have a wardrobe - and this is something that may be lost in translation across the pond in both directions. I regard a closet as being a built in cupboard anywhere in the house, not just the bedroom.

    I know that you guys in the US loved Elizabeth. I have been asked three times when I have been over there if I have ever met her. The closest I have been to her was either the two times I've been to Windsor, the times I've walked past Buckingham Palace or the time for her silver jubilee way back in 1977 when she came to my home town of Walsall and passed along the street that was about 50 yards from my house.




  12. Hi CD,

    Ah - yes - I remember Ivanova doing that. She was one of my favourite characters.

    TIme will tell for Liz Truss but she is like a slightly more competent Boris the CLown from what I have heard her say and claim that she wants to do.




  13. Hey PM,

    Good luck with the new Liz - you're going to need it (sorry, don't like the look of her, but she may be a smidge better than Boris - too right wing for my liking - looks like a bit of a Thatcher clone)

    I still find it strange that we're getting a public holiday to remember the Queen THREE DAY AFTER HER FUNERAL. I'm sad she's gone, but she did a great job. I wish Charles well - but still wish we were a republic. It must be bonkers over there now...



  14. Hi Pand,

    Yup - we have had some dreadful Prime Ministers and I think this one will be no different.

    It is still bonkers. and will be until after the funeral on Monday I think.



