Sunday 3 April 2022

Weird Librarian

Welcome to a sunny but cold Sunday afternoon in South Manchester. 
Let’s dive straight in with some silly questions from Sunday Stealing, shall we? 
1.    When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
The very first thing I thought was “Who the hell is that?”
Then I remembered that it was my reflection and I put on my glasses. My second thought was “What the hell happened, Dave?” 
Of course I know the answer to that question – AGE happened.
2.    What shirt are you wearing?
I am wearing an old checked shirt that I have for a couple of years now, so it is probably drifting towards the end of its life.
3.    Do you label yourself?
I know who I am, so I don’t need to label myself.
Oh – you mean do I try to put myself into a generic subgroup of people?
If that’s what you mean then I guess I could, if I wanted to, label myself as a member of any one of the following groups:
  • Weirdos
  • Geeks
  • Grumpy old men (in my case trying to rid myself of grump)
  • Late middle-aged white British males
  • Men who suffer from bad hair days every single day of their lives
4.    What does your watch look like?
I have two watches. The one I am wearing at the moment is a free (and cheap) FitBit style watch that I acquired from my company and tells me the time, records my steps, records my sleep, guess at the distance I have walked and how many calories I have burned. To be fair, I am toying with the idea of buying a proper smartwatch but I am struggling to justify it to myself, even though I love gadgets. The truth is, I will end up getting one I reckon.
My other watch is a long service award. It is quite expensive and I tend only to wear it if I am going to a posh party or restaurant or something like that.
5.    What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was reading a book. I watched Match of the Day and then went to bed and I usually read a few pages until I nod off, which I think I probably did at just after midnight.
6.    Last furry thing you touched?
That would be Star(dust), one of my two black cats.
7.    Favourite age you have been so far?
I reckon that it would be 20, when I was at university. I loved that time of my life and I was able to be the immature little kid that has always lived inside me. I can’t get away with acting like a kid now.
8.    What is your current desktop picture?
It is a picture of a sunrise that I took back in 2005 in Port Douglas, Australia. I had taken an overnight flight from Hong Kong to Cairns and arrived at the hotel at about 5am, an hour before breakfast, so we had no choice but to take a walk along the beach as dawn was breaking. It was magnificent and I am so glad that we did. The beach was empty apart from a couple of dedicate fitness fanatics who were running up and down in the early hours to avoid the heat that would come later. 
I have it as my desktop on my home laptop and my work one too because I love sunrises and sunsets and when they are over a calm ocean it is even better. I feel at peace whenever I look at it.
Here is the photo but I have added a couple of similar ones that I took at the same time that I have also used.

9.    If you had to choose between $1,000,000 or to be able to fly what would it be?
It would definitely be $1,000,000 but I would prefer £1,000,000 because it is worth slightly more. The reason? I am scared of heights and being able to fly would be a curse.
10.  The last song you listened to?
Tye Dye on the Highway by the legendary Robert Plant:
11.  What time of day were you born?
I was born at 4am in the morning apparently. I don’t remember it at all.
12.  Where did you live in 1987?
I lived in a small three bedroomed semi-detached house in Altrincham, a small town about seven miles south west of Manchester.
13.  What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
The temptation is to attack them but I am a pacifist so I usually stand there staring at them in disbelief for a few minutes before thumping them in the hope that the money will be dislodged and give me whatever it is I had paid for. And then I walk away either in disgust, to a person who might be able to help me or like a complete lemon if people are watching and chuckling.
14.  Would you move for the person you loved?
I think I probably would but it would depend on where they wanted to go. 
15.  Name three things that you have on you at all times?
My glasses, my phone and my clothes.
16.  What’s your favourite town/city?
In the UK I can only say that my favourite city is Manchester. Worldwide it is Hong Kong.
17.  What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
I bought a chicken shawarma at a kebab shop during a break between two bands at a gig I went to last Saturday night. I rarely use cash these days but I always have some with me – just in case.
18.  When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
I haven’t written a letter using a pen for years and years. I simply can’t remember. It was probably in the 1980’s.
19.  The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear?
I went to a wedding in deepest darkest Lancashire a couple of weekends ago and I decided to buy a new blue suit (chosen of course by Mrs PM). I also bought some new tan brogues and a light blue shirt to match. I wore an old red tie though.
20.  Does anything hurt on your body right now?
The only pain I have is a minor irritation on my finger where Star(dust) scratched me a couple of days ago while I was playing with her. I deserved it completely.


  1. I especially like #8 and #13. :)

  2. That is a spectacular sunrise. Dawn is one of my favourite times of day - and sunrise over water is even better.
    The last furry thing I touched was also a black cat.

  3. I will join you in the weirdo category!
    The pictures you posted are gorgeous! Loved your answers! Have a nice day.

  4. My friend who lives in Lancashire also attended a wedding recently. Wouldn't it be amazing if you were both at the same one?

    Not many people know what time they were born, it seems.

  5. I write letters all the time, usually at least once a day, but I type them because I hate my handwriting...and I can't write anything interesting with a pen.

  6. Glasses, phone, clothes - yep!

  7. Hi Kwizgiver,

    I like those photos too.




  8. Hi EC,

    We totally agree on that - and I touched a black cat too.




  9. Hi Me, Myself and I,

    The whole place was gorgeous.

    Great start to my first day in Australia.




  10. Hi Lori,

    It's a great category yo be in.




  11. Hi CD,

    It would be amazing. The wedding was in Chorley and the reception near to Clitheroe - if you are interested.




  12. Hi Bev,

    I make too many mistakes to wirte a proper letter.




  13. Hi Lisa,

    In my case, the clothes are the MOST important (for everybody else not just me)!



