Sunday 21 February 2021

Coronavirus Part 3

Welcome to a cloudy South Manchester on day 344 of restrictions. It looks like we are going to go for a complete year under some form of restrictions before things get better. We are still in full lockdown in the UK but there is talk of slowly lifting them over the coming months. With vaccinations in full flow, it shouldn’t be too long hopefully.

This week’s Sunday Stealing once again tackle the topic of Coronavirus so let’s just dive in head first shall we?

In the past year have you–

1. Gone without a bra (Plastic Mancunian & Bud may skip this one!)

I won’t skip the question because I think you all know the answer. I can safely say, with my hand on my heart, that I have gone without a bra for the past year. In fact I will go further – I have never ever worn a bra. I hope you didn’t think that I had.

2. Skipped making your bed.

No. One of us always makes the bed (usually the last one to get out of it). 

3. Ordered groceries to be delivered

I am not a fan of having groceries delivered because, more often than not, the supermarket messes up the order. They either substitute things with inferior versions, completely forget an item or completely mess things up. Mrs PM would order groceries to be delivered if it was up to her but I moan so much when they mess things up (every single time) that we actually make the journey there. Also, I often remember things when I am in the supermarket that I would have otherwise forgotten. Covid or no Covid – it is better to go to the shop.

4. Cooked a real meal

Absolutely. Mrs PM in particular has been experimenting with new recipes and she actually enjoys trying new things out. Last week, for example, she made pizza for the first time. I was absolutely astounded by the result – amazing.

5. Spent the day in pyjamas?

No. I like to get dressed as soon as I get up, lockdown or no lockdown. Besides, I usually start the day with a at least a 50 minute walk and I don’t fancy being seen in public in pyjamas.

6. Skipped shaving your legs

I can say, with my hand on my heart, that I have never shaved my legs. One thing I did shave was my beard. On Januarys 1st, I shaved it off because I was fed up with it but, on Mrs PM’s insistence, I have grown it back again.

7. Spent hours on Instagram or Pinterest

In 2020 I took a photo a day but didn’t put anything onto Instagram. In 2019 I added a photo to Instagram every day. This year I haven’t taken many photos or added anything to Instagram, but I think I might pop some of the better ones from 2020 on there. My photos are usually of things and scenes rather than people. 

As for Pinterest, I occasionally dabble but not often to be honest.

8. Eaten in a restaurant

Yes. In summer, were subject to restrictions but pubs and restaurants were open (though under strict rules of social distancing and other precautions), which allowed us to have a couple of meals out. It is one of the things I miss most.

9. Skipped washing your hair.

In the early days of the lockdown, before I bought some clippers and allowed Mrs PM to cut my hair, it grew quite long. Regular readers know that I hate my hair, especially when it is long and one of the only ways to bring it under control and make it more manageable was to skip the occasional day washing it. If I wash it and it is long it explodes outwards but if I just wet it, I can keep it flat. 

Now Mrs PM cuts it fairly regularly to keep it under control so I wash it every day.

10. Not folded the laundry

I always fold the laundry.

11. Worked a puzzle

I work in IT so I am confronted by puzzles every single day of the week. Outside of work I do like to have a go at puzzles too, like crosswords for example. So yes, I have “worked a puzzle” (although I have never heard that phrase before; it must be American).

12. Had Zoom calls

Yes – most recently last night with my two sons. Of course we have regular meetings at work too (although we use Microsoft Teams instead of Zoom).

13. Written letters.

No. I haven’t written a letter for decades. I have sent emails though. 

14. Binge watched a TV show

Yes – and I continue to do so. I am currently trawling through “The Expanse”, “Mayans MC”, “Travellers” and “Lovecraft Country”.

15.Gone barefoot

Only in the house. I'm not a fan of feet - even my own.


  1. I have naturally curly hair too and I understand how it does it's own thing. Loved your answers. Have a nice day.

  2. Interesting answers. My photos tend to be of scenes and objects, too.

  3. Hmmmm. I didn't realize "worked a puzzle" is an American expression. If you have a jigsaw puzzle and put all the pieces together, what do you call it?

  4. #3 -- Thank you! I thought only my orders get messed up.

  5. I need to rewatch the Mayans MC, I have seen a few but then fizzled out... just finished rewatching this series! Happy Sunday!

  6. Smiling.
    I do wear a bra, and haven't skipped it. And often wander round in bare feet - though I agree with you that they are not (past early childhood) beautiful things.

  7. We also use teams, but blessedly, my company doesn't make us use video.

  8. I am not a fan of feet, either. I am not surprised that "worked a puzzle" is an American phrase but I wouldn't have guessed it, either. The differences in UK English and American English are amazing sometimes.

  9. You aren't a fan of feet? lol OK! Nor wearing a bra, Check. Your answers are always entertaining. Thank you for being such a good sport! I cut my own hair and Mr.Z's hair for literally decades -since we were in our 20's anyway. My sister and I used to cut each other's hair for awhile. Mine is super curly, like yours.

  10. #1-2-3=no
    #13=yes, but only one
    #15=no, with bare feet I can feel the dust I should have vacuumed weeks ago, so I wear fluffy bedsocks.

  11. Hey Plasman! (I'm on medium these days) - Love Chunks shaved his beard off too....and yes, I made him grow it back again!

  12. Hi Lori,

    It probably isn't as curly as yours - but it is really thick and unmanageable.




  13. Hi Songbird,

    I prefer photos of things to people - especially myself.




  14. Hi Bev,

    I'm not sure what I say actually - perhaps "do a puzzle" or "complete a puzzle" or "have a go at a puzzle" or "solve a puzzle"?




  15. Hi Gal Herself,

    And they ALWAYS do, don't they?




  16. Hi Jodi,

    Sons of Anarchy was one the first series that I truly binge watched - several episodes at a time on weekends when the weather was poor. It was amazing. Mayans MC is good too.




  17. Hi EC,

    Yes - baby feet are quite cute.




  18. Hi Me, Myself and I,

    I don'tmind people seeing me via video - as you can see from my answers, I am dressed.




  19. Hi CD,

    I confess that I am always correctimg AMericans when they appear on my TV - or even worse, English people on American shows who use American words and phrases.

    "It's mathS not math!"




  20. Hi Zippi,

    I am trying to persuade Mrs PM to continue cutting it after the hairdresser opens again - she isn't too keen but I am working on it.




  21. Hi River,

    Mrs PM wears bedsocks too.




  22. G'day Kath,

    Long time no hear. I wn't ask about "MedicatedMoo".

    Yes - it was only last year that I discovered I could actually grow a beard. I've done it twice now.



