Saturday 21 October 2017


Right – I’ve just written a post about Donald Trump but a recent tweet by the orange lunatic has prompted me to write yet another one. I don’t want to dedicate more posts to him but I feel I have to in this case.

I just want to tell America that Donald Trump is a liar and you should not believe a single word that comes out of his mouth or any word he throws into cyberspace via Twitter.

Here is the tweet that has forced me to rant about Trump AGAIN:

Not content with telling lies about his own country, he is now telling blatant lies about mine!
How fucking dare you! 
Let’s analyse this tweet.
Yes, crime as risen by 13% in the UK, something I am sure our government aren’t proud of. I would like to write a separate post about the reasons for that – cuts to the police force by our own incompetent ruling party if you’re interested - but I won’t because of the words of the moron in the White House.
The police have indicated that they recorded 5.2 million offences last year the bulk of which were NOT associated with terrorism. Can you read that Mr Trump? I will write it again.
Can you understand that, Mr Trump?
Most of the crimes committed were the usual things; public order offences, robbery, possession of weapons, stalking and harassment.
And here’s another statistic for you. There were 664 murders in England and Wales and only 35 of those were caused by the terror attacks in London and Manchester.
Donald Trump is a liar.
How dare he abuse a headline like this to fuel the fear of extreme radical Islamic terror.
And I had to laugh at the end of this tweet:  “We must keep America safe”.
Can I tell you how to keep America safe, you orange buffoon?
Get rid of your bloody guns!
Here are some facts that perhaps Donald Trump should worry himself about.
America is not safe and it is not due to radical Islamic terrorism.
One white non-Islamic man opened fire on a concert on October 1st of this year and killed 58 people, injuring 546. 
One man!
And that’s not the whole story. The statistics about gun crime in America make very uncomfortable reading. For example from 1st January 2015 to 2nd December 2015, there were 355 mass shootings in America. That’s 335 mass shootings in 336 days – more than one a day.
And this statistic applies every year. If you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself.
What Trump needs to do is focus on his own country’s problems by facing up to the NRA and actually doing something, instead of abusing statistics about other countries in an attempt to brainwash gullible supporters into turning against Islam with pure lies.
I’m sure many Americans stumble on this blog and I welcome them with open arms. I love America and every time I have been there I have had a great time. 
Nevertheless, I despise your current President and I suspect (hope) most of you are the same. For those who don't hate him, I implore you to ignore the blatant lies he tells in public with no shame, particularly those about other countries.
Please check the facts and don’t take the random ravings of this lunatic as gospel. 
Donald Trump is lying just to brainwash Americans into following his own deranged agenda.
The only fake news we see at the moment comes from Donald Trump’s twitter account. Every single time he opens his big mouth in public his words are lies and bullshit.
Please ignore him and do your own research. 
You know it makes sense.
In return I shall try not to post any more about Trump. 
I feel sick about this already.


  1. I cannot understand how my fellow Americans elected this bad joke president!!

  2. Trump is a very, very scary man. While he remains President the world is less safe.

  3. Hi Fishducky,

    Neither can I.




  4. Hi EC,

    Yes indeed. Every time I see his face on the news, I wonder what the fool has done this time.



