Monday 17 February 2014

500 Posts? Really?

Welcome to my 500th post. 

Yes, that’s right; I have written exactly 500 posts of bunkum in the past six years. I’m surprised that I have managed to keep this up to be perfectly honest. 

Regular readers will know that I have done a fair amount of travelling, some of it with work and the rest with holidays. In total I have visited thirty six countries (if you count England, Wales, Scotland, Hong Kong, Macau and Vatican City as countries – for poetic license I will do just that!).

I have acquired quite a few photos that are taking up a fair amount of space on my hard drive and for this special post and for a bit of fun, I have decided to share a few of them with you under the guise of lessons learned:

Not all creatures in Australia are out to kill me. Australia is full of venomous spiders, venomous snakes, vicious salties and monstrous jellyfish (and even the platypus has venomous spurs on its ankles) but the cuddly koala is harmless:

Poor Koala! (Australia 2005)
Even the plants in Australia can be dangerous.

Nasty tree (Australia 2005)

When I take over the world, I will use the robot army I discovered in Japan.

Piers Morgan - watch out! (Tokyo 2013)
Random strangers in Iceland are very friendly and like to cuddle Plastic Mancunians whenever there is a photo opportunity.

"Can I just hop into your photo?" (Reykjavic 2010)

Never ever ever EVER wear a Hawaiian shirt – not even for a laugh at a beach party in Barbados. It’s not cool and it certainly isn’t clever.

OH MY GOD!!! (Barbados 2007)
Glaciers are very cold. It is sensible to wear a warm coat and gloves. I failed.

"I really think you should wear a hat and gloves, young man!" (Canadian Rockies 2010)

Random strangers in Hong Kong are very friendly and like to cuddle Plastic Mancunians whenever there is a photo opportunity.

"My life's ambition - to meet a Proclaimer!" (Hong Kong 2013)

Don’t ever ever EVER grow a beard ever again. 

Can you actually see it? (Beijing 1999)

It is impossible to get a close up of Niagara Falls without getting your camera wet.

Can you actually see the Falls? (2001)
And finally, here are a few random pictures of some great places I have visited:

Grand Mosque - Abu Dhabi (2012)

Boston (2009)
Alaska (2010)

The Great Wall of China (1999)

Hong Kong (2008)

Kyoto, Japan (2013)

Lisbon (2011)

Niagara Falls (2001)

Pompeii (2006)

Rome (2012)

Sydney (2005)
Post 501 should be on its way soon - where normal drivelsome nonsense will be renewed.

Thank you so much for reading so far. I really appreciate it.


  1. Congratulations on your significan milestone.
    And I am glad that your found one of our natives which can't hurt you. Much. I understand that their claws are filthy and a scratch WILL get infected.
    Love your photos of far away dreams. Thanks.

  2. Congratulations PM! 500 posts - fantastic. Love your photos, loved recognizing places and situations I've been in (Canadian Rockies in the snow without a coat and gloves - me too) and loved the ones of places I haven't been like China and Japan.
    Living in Australia we do have our dangerous creatures but I've never heard of tar trees...

  3. Hi EC,

    The Koala was well looked after and I suspect (hope) its claws were clean.




  4. Hi Jackie,

    Tar trees caught me by surprise too - and it was on my first day in Oz too.




  5. Great effort!!! Many more 500 to come.

  6. Hi DrB,

    Yes indeed - no plan to stop just yet.




  7. Congrats to a great globetrotter and great Mancunian too!

  8. Hi Chrissy,

    Thanks very much.




  9. Congratulations and loving the pics.

    Re: Koalas. Cuddly they might be but have you seen the claws on those things?

  10. Hi Big D,

    They're not aggressive so being attacked with those claws is unlikely - unless I'm wrong of course.




  11. Wow, congratulations and cheers mate. You really have been around this world and seen some things I'd like to see. Great pictures and I'm wishing you another 500 successful posts. Well done, as 6 years blogging is no joke.

  12. Hi RPD,

    6 years is definitely no joke - I wonder how many words I've written in all that time?



