Saturday 14 July 2012

Reptiles And Aliens

I have a revelation for you, dear reader. You may be shocked.

We are being ruled by reptiles and aliens.

Actually, that statement is utter nonsense and one of the most bizarre conspiracy theories currently circulating the internet.

According to David Icke, a former footballer and sports presenter here in the UK, a race of humanoid reptiles runs the world. I think he must have taken the science fiction series V a little too seriously.

For those of you who have not heard of V, basically the story involves a large number of aliens, visiting Earth in the name of friendship but in reality, instead of being the beautiful humanoid creatures offering to assist our evolution, they are evil carnivorous reptiles bent on wiping us all out.

In the early 1990’s David Icke appeared on a BBC chat show called Wogan where, dressed in a turquoise track suit, he claimed to be the son of God and invited universal ridicule as a result.

Now, David Icke has recovered from that moment of madness but in the last 20 years has embarked upon a crusade to inform us all about a global conspiracy theory that embraces and supports most other conspiracy theories.

Basically, David Icke believes that humanity is being ruled by a hidden society that has been around since the dawn of mankind and has manipulated humanity throughout the centuries. Our governments are all puppets and the real rulers are an elite group of families who pull the strings and herd us like sheep.

My imagination is pretty weird so I love the idea that we are governed by an unseen elite. I don’t actually believe it, but it would make an absolutely cracking series of novels or movies. In fact, there are quite a few authors who have used this very idea; that a clandestine political movement are trying to influence global politics by infiltrating governments with their operatives and strategically assassinating politicians and influential people, replacing them with their own agents.

I love stuff like that, which is one of the reasons I find David Icke’s conspiracy theory so intriguing. Even better, is his assertion that we are already in this situation and have been for centuries.

In his view, the bad guys have already won.

He has now written quite a few books on the subject and there is an audience for his ideas.

What’s more David Icke has added an amazing twist to his theory as I alluded to earlier. The global and secret elite are alien reptiles and can shapeshift to human form.

Such a hypothesis would make an even better novel or series of novels. An alien race of reptiles that came to Earth when humanity was just evolving, took control of our species and has been in control ever since. The aliens can take on human form and evolve themselves by only breeding with other alien reptiles. Over the centuries they have dictated the course of our lives, ultimately allowing to spread globally and now they are responsible for the society we live in today with all of its faults. And they have a plan to take us further.

We do not actually know about the alien reptiles because they exist in a light frequency that we cannot perceive - so we can't see them. Furthermore, due to mistakes and lapses in judgement, these reptiles have occasionally lost their ability to shapeshift, albeit temporarily, and allowed the world to see their true form – just for a few seconds.

It is a great idea for a science fiction epic – but nothing more.

In real terms it is utter poppycock.

Yet people actually believe it.

David Icke travels the world and lectures to a willing and believing audience about this conspiracy and his lectures on the subject are extremely popular – as are his books and DVDs.

If you look on YouTube you will see quite a few interviews with him including excerpts from the original interview with Wogan in the early 1990s when his outrageous claims made him a laughing stock.

What is incredible to me now is that although his new theories about the alien reptilian agenda are equally, if not more, outrageous, he seems to have acquired a large number of followers. You will find a large number of these people also posting video evidence on YouTube that these reptilians really do exist.

I’ve watched a few of them and chuckled. We see celebrities, presenters and politicians on TV who have apparently been slightly flustered, lost a touch of self-control or whatever, and allowed their true nature to be visible to the camera; their eyes have become reptilian, their skin has become slightly green and scaly and their teeth have morphed.

Basically, it is just a trick of the studio lighting. If you believe what you see on YouTube you will be convinced that the British Royal family are really reptiles.

David Icke is a very eloquent guy; after all, he was a TV presenter before his turquoise phase. For this reason, his arguments seem to have substance until you take a step back and think:

“Hang on! Alien reptiles? What the bloody hell are you talking about?

I can’t decide whether David Icke is a massive wind-up merchant or whether he genuinely believes what he is saying. The problem is, he has the ability to manipulate facts to support his arguments. And the very idea that there is a massive global conspiracy is something that I find fascinating. By adding alien reptiles, for me anyway, he has made his arguments ridiculous – though a part of me would love it to be true (a weird part of me that is).

One of the problems with this and other conspiracy theories is that there is very little evidence to support them – and what evidence there is, is largely circumstantial. David Icke and other like-minded individuals blame the governments they warn us against by accusing them of “covering up”.

How convenient.

Yes – I am a sceptic – but I also have an open mind. If we really are being ruled by alien reptiles and the horror of V has been with us for centuries, then I want to know all about it.

Until then, I will laugh at the ideas, while secretly wishing that I had thought of it and written a serious novel.

Of course, if David Icke is right then next time you sense a presence in your home and turn around to find nothing there, it could be an alien reptile that exists outside the realm of your perception.

Or it could be your imagination.

Or it could be a ghost.

Don’t get me started on psychics!


  1. Dearest PM -

    This is a great idea! Since Mark, you and I like writing, we can get together and write our own conspiracy theory set of novels, tour the world with our theories and make a boat load of money. I say we should start believing that it's not scary reptilian creatures who've taken over the world, but fluffy bunnies and beautiful unicorns. Oh, and we should work in something about the US taking over the UK via giant floating biscuits or that we're slowly sending subliminal messages in your alcohol so you'll eventually be our soldiers in fights against The Royals who are secretly NOT royal as it turns out but...wait for it... actually a mutant form of killer kangaroos!

  2. Hi Lynette,

    Fluffy bunnies and unicorns? I like the idea of unicorns but fluffy bunnies just aren't menacing enough - unless they are evil fluffy bunnies with sharp teeth.

    Now you mention it, Camilla does look a bit like a kangaroo, doesn't she?




  3. Hi Mr PM,
    I love the series V and was quite sad that it was cancelled.

    I have always entertained the idea that we are alien halfbred. Some aliens arrived on earth and bred with the Neanderthal and form the first Homo sapiens. This is because it seems weird that we are not completely comfortable with Natue. We are always changing our environment - heating, cooling, making roads, have to have clothings. We even have to change our food - cook it, change the texture/taste/forms, etc. Other animals are completely adapted to the environment.

    If we are half-bred by aliens, then the bible could be the guide book to 'rule' us. :-)

  4. Hi drb,

    I liked the remake of V too and it is a source of constant annoyance and irritation that the networks cancel such series. Why bother making them in the first place?

    A Jehovah's Witness once told me that the Bible was like a "Car manual for humanity" and after I had finished laughing, I asked why then, the Bible was so inconsistent and contradicted itself so much. She claimed it didn't - but, being brought up as a Catholic, I had to read it - and it does. So it probably wasn't written by aliens (unless they were very careless aliens).




  5. Sorry, I meant the "10 commandments".
    Bible is full contradictions because it was written by different authors and then edited by the kings.

    Have you watched the original version of V? I haven't.

  6. Hi drb,

    The 10 commandments? Nice thought - though I'm surprised there is no "Thou shalt not be nasty to reptiles".

    Yes - I am old enough to have watched the original version of V as well. It wasn't bad - but I preferred the remake to be honest.




  7. So that proves aliens are not reptilians!!!! Mwah haha
    Or should it just be a creepy silent evil grin...

  8. Tee here. I should introduce you to my friend Barney. He LLOVES David Icke. Interesting post.

  9. Is he also the same bloke who thinks that the Holocaust was a hoax?

    I remember devouring the 'V' books in 1985 when I should have been studying for my final year exams in high school. The original TV series seemed very exciting at the time too, but I imagine that viewing it 27 years later it would be hilarious!

    The William Shatner pic you selected at the top of the article I've seen with the captain: Even Captain Kirk draws the line at what he's prepared to snog.

  10. Hi drb,

    Creepy silent evil grins worry me. I'd much rather have a "Mwah haha".




  11. Hi Pand,

    I like David Icke for the entertainment factor.




  12. Bonjour Kath,

    Not sure about his views on the holocaust.

    Love the alternative caption by the way.




  13. I remember the original V series and hated it intensely. My kids loved it, so of course they watched every episode while I tried to read a book instead. Later they all watched the new series too, while I watched dvds on the second TV that we now had.
    Oddly enough, I like lizards, especially skinks and geckos.

  14. Hi River,

    I liked both series of V. Why didn't you like it?

    We don't get many lizards "Up Over" (the opposite of "Down Under") so they are a bit a novelty for us.



