Thursday 14 July 2011

The Return Of The Plastic Mancunian's Eye

One of my minor hobbies is photography (though I admit I am not very good at it). To show off my (lack of) photographic talent I started another blog, The Plastic Mancunian's Eye, at the start of 2009 showcasing the better of my efforts.

I actually maintained this until the beginning of this year.

Since then, however, I have neglected it. I know - how could I?

That's not to say that I haven't been continuing with my hobby - I have just been too lazy to post the photos.

No more!

The Plastic Mancunian's Eye is about to rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

I have decided to attempt to post a photo a day for the next couple of months. Actually, I won't necessarily be able to post a photo a day for the next couple of weeks because I will be away for some of the time; nevertheless I will do my best.

I have already started with a photo from a recent trip to Lisbon.

Please wander over there and let me know what you think of my efforts. If you think they are crap, tell me why and how you would improve them - I am keen to learn from those of you who have more talent than me.

I may also pop a couple of photos from Mrs PM on there too - she is a much better photographer than I am and tries (sometimes in vain) to instruct me on how to improve upon some of my more pathetic efforts.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the photos.


  1. Okay, going over there right now. Maybe I'll get some clues on how to improve my own photography by looking at yours.

  2. Hi River,

    I doubt that - your photos are very good.



